
59 results arranged by date

Murat Yazar

Turkish Kurdish photojournalist Murat Yazar detained for 8 days in Iraqi Kurdistan

Sulaymaniyah, July 23, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed that the prominent Turkish Kurdish photojournalist Murat Yazar was held in an Iraqi Kurdish security forces prison for eight days before his release on Sunday evening and calls on Iraqi Kurdish authorities to stop arresting journalists. “Iraqi Kurdish authorities have made a habit out of…

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Journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca left Cuba for exile in the United States on June 5 after serving nearly three years in prison. (Photo: Noticias Cubanet Cuba/YouTube)

Cuban journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca released, forced into exile

Miami, June 6, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release of Cuban journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca, but is deeply concerned he was forced into exile, and calls on Cuban authorities to allow reporters to work freely in the country without fear of reprisal.  Valle left Cuba for the United States on Wednesday, June…

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Radio La Cariñosa

Nicaraguan police arrest journalist Orlando Chávez in León 

Nicaraguan police detained Orlando Chávez, the director of the independent news radio show “El Metropolitano,” along with his brother and sister, after raiding their home on May 19, 2024, according to the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa. News reports said police arrested the journalist’s siblings, Obed and Merary Chávez, for alleged obstruction and confiscated their phones….

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Togolese authorities release journalist Apollinaire Mewenemesse with conditions 

Dakar, April 10, 2024 — The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release of journalist and La Dépêche publishing director Apollinaire Mewenemesse and calls for Togolese authorities to lift the conditions placed on his freedom, drop all charges against him, and cease criminalizing journalism. On April 9, a court in Lomé, Togo’s capital city, released…

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French journalist Antoine Galindo of Africa Intelligence

French journalist Antoine Galindo leaves Ethiopia after release

Nairobi, February 29, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomed the Thursday release of French journalist Antoine Galindo, who was arrested in Ethiopia on February 22, and urged Ethiopian authorities to unconditionally release all other members of the press detained for their work. “It is great news that Antoine Galindo has been released, as his unjust…

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CPJ welcomes pardon for jailed Georgian journalist Nika Gvaramia

New York, June 22, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Thursday welcomed news that journalist Nika Gvaramia was pardoned by Georgia’s President Salome Zurabishvili. Gvaramia, founder and director of independent broadcaster Mtavari Arkhi, had been serving a 3.5-year prison sentence since May 2022 for alleged abuse of office during his previous role as director of…

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CPJ welcomes release of French journalist Olivier Dubois after nearly 2 years of captivity in Mali

Nairobi, March 20, 2023—In response to news reports that French journalist Olivier Dubois has been freed nearly two years after he was abducted by a militant group in Mali, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “We are elated that journalist Olivier Dubois is finally free and able to return home to his…

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Nigerian publisher Haruna Mohammed Salisu released on bail

Accra, March 2, 2023—In response to Nigerian authorities’ release of WikkiTimes publisher Haruna Mohammed Salisu on bail Thursday, following his arrest while covering national elections on February 25, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for all charges against him to be dropped: “The release of Nigerian journalist Haruna Mohammed Salisu on…

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CPJ: Nicaragua political prisoner release brings ‘sense of relief’

Los Angeles, February 9, 2023 — In response to news reports that Nicaraguan authorities freed and deported 222 political prisoners to the United States on Thursday, including at least one journalist, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “The deportation of political prisoners from Nicaragua, including at least one journalist, brings a sense…

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Authorities in Tigray release 3 journalists, 2 others remain in detention

Nairobi, January 17, 2023—In response to news reports that authorities in the northern Ethiopian state of Tigray recently released three employees of the broadcaster Tigrai TV but continue to hold two more in custody, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for the remaining staffers’ release: “While it is a great relief…

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