
111 results arranged by date

Tunisian authorities arrest Mosaique FM director Noureddine Boutar

New York, February 14, 2023 – Tunisian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Noureddine Boutar and allow journalists and media workers to work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Monday, February 13, police raided and searched the home of Boutar, the director of the local independent radio station and news website…

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German police search office of independent broadcaster and 2 journalists’ homes, seize equipment and documents

Berlin, January 19, 2023 – German authorities must immediately stop harassing journalists affiliated with the independent nonprofit radio station Radio Dreyeckland, return all equipment and documents seized in raids on its editors’ homes, and ensure that members of the press are not threatened with criminal charges over their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said…

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Kennedy Sikazwe

Supporters of Zambia’s ruling party raid 2 radio stations for hosting opposition party leader

On December 31, 2022, and January 1, 2023, supporters of Zambia’s ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) raided two radio stations and disrupted broadcasts by Chilufya Tayali, president of the opposition Economic and Equity Party, according to news reports and journalists who spoke to CPJ. On December 31, a group of about 10 people…

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At least 11 journalists in custody after police raids in Turkey

Istanbul, October 25, 2022—Turkish authorities should immediately release the Kurdish journalists in police custody and stop harassing them with secret investigations, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Tuesday. Early Tuesday morning, Turkish police simultaneously raided several homes and one newsroom in the cities of Ankara, Diyarbakır, Istanbul, Mardin, Urfa, and Van, as part of…

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Israel Defense Forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinian journalists in Nablus

New York, October 6, 2022 – Israeli authorities must conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the shooting of two Palestinian journalists and take all necessary precautions to ensure that the Israel Defense Force does not shoot at journalists doing their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Wednesday, October 5, IDF soldiers…

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Armed men in military uniforms raid Congolese broadcaster, beat technician, and seize equipment, forcing radio station off air

Kinshasa, September 21, 2022—Congolese authorities should thoroughly investigate and hold accountable those responsible for the attack on Radio Evangélique Butembo-Oicha, known as REBO, in North Kivu, and ensure the safety of all journalists in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. Around 9 p.m. on September 12, four armed men in uniforms resembling…

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Tunisia Mission

Journalists tell CPJ how Tunisia’s tough new constitution curbs their access to information

When a CPJ researcher sat down with Lotfi Hajji, Tunisia bureau chief of Qatari broadcaster Al-Jazeera at a coffee shop in Tunis in July, we noticed that a man sitting directly behind us was recording our conversation on his phone. When we stood up to take a selfie with him in the background, the man…

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Israeli forces arrest Palestinian journalist Amer Abu Arafa in West Bank

New York, July 19, 2022 – Israeli authorities should release Amer Abu Arafa immediately and stop detaining and harassing Palestinian journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. Before dawn on Tuesday, July 19, Israel Defense Forces soldiers arrested Abu Arafa, a correspondent for the London-based Quds Press News Agency, at his home in the…

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Mekong News Agency journalist Maung Maung Myo jailed on terrorism charges in Myanmar

Bangkok, May 18, 2022 – Myanmar authorities should immediately and unconditionally release journalist Maung Maung Myo and stop jailing members of the press for reporting the news, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. Around 6 p.m. on May 10, Maung Myo, a contributor to the local Mekong News Agency, was traveling by train to report…

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Indian authorities raid The Kashmir Walla, arrest contributor over 2011 article

New Delhi, April 18, 2022 – Authorities in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir must stop prosecuting The Kashmir Walla’s staff and contributors for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. The State Investigation Agency (SIA) in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir arrested Abdul Aala Fazili, a former contributor to privately owned news portal The Kashmir…

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