
63 results arranged by date

This image from a March 13 YouTube video is said to show regime forces shelling the restive Idlib province. The video was shot by a local videographer. (AFP/YouTube)

In Syria, killing the messenger hasn’t killed the message

A report on the first anniversary of the Syrian uprisingWeeks of sporadic protests seeking government reform burst into full-fledged unrest on March 15, 2011, when thousands of demonstrators gathered in four Syrian cities. Within days, authorities had cut off news media access to Daraa, a center of the unrest, beginning a sustained effort to shut…

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Greek police assault photographers

Greek police attacked some members of the press covering demonstrations in Athens’ Syntagma (Constitution) square this week, injuring at least two members of the media, Reuters reported. Above, a riot policeman punches Greek photojournalist Tatiana Bolari on Wednesday.

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Recent demonstrations lead to several cases of anti-press violence by police. Here, a 15-M protest in Madrid. (Reuters/Sergio Perez)

In Spain, police violence against press sparks concern

Spanish press associations have expressed concern about recent episodes of police violence against journalists covering demonstrations against Pope Benedict’s four-day visit to Madrid and protests staged as part of the anti-corruption 15-M movement.

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