Press Freedom Tracker

2 results arranged by date

CNN correspondent Kate Bolduan reports from outside the Time Warner Building in New York City on October 24, as police remove an explosive device from the CNN offices. (AP/Kevin Hagen)

CNN mail bomb is latest case of attacks and threats against US news rooms

New York, October 24, 2018–CNN’s New York City studios were evacuated today after an explosive device was delivered to the broadcaster’s offices, according to CNN. The device was addressed to John Brennan, a former CIA director and frequent guest on CNN news programs, who is also a national security analyst for MSNBC, CNN reported. The…

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In a photo taken by St. Louis Post-Dispatch photographer Christian Gooden, Black Lives Matter protesters and others burn U.S. flags during a protest in September 2017. Gooden was hit by pepper spray while covering the protests. (Christian Gooden/St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Non-white journalists describe risks and repercussions of covering protests in the US

“I was just another in a sea of black faces on the other side of a police line,” said Christian Gooden, a St. Louis Post-Dispatch photographer who was hit by pepper spray while covering a protest on September 29, last year. Gooden said that he turned his head when police sprayed indiscriminately, then resumed photographing…

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