43 results arranged by date

Attacks on the Press 2010: Middle East and North Africa Analysis

Suppression Under the Cover of National Security By Mohamed Abdel Dayem Relying on an extensive network of sources in the military, government, and Islamist groups, Yemeni freelance journalist Abdulelah Shaea had become a frequent and pointed critic of the administration’s counterterrorism efforts. By July, President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s government had enough, dispatching security agents to…

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CPJ calls on Turkey to release American journalist

New York, August 13, 2010–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Turkish authorities to release American journalist Jake Hess, who is being detained in the southeastern province of Diyarbakir, according to the Turkish daily Hürriyet. Hess is accused of collaborating with the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK), referred to in news reports as the “urban wing” of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party…

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CPJ calls for Turkey to overturn journalist’s 15-month sentence

New York, June 9, 2010–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Istanbul’s Yargıtay High Court to overturn on appeal a 15-month prison sentence given to Turkish journalist Irfan Aktan on Friday. Aktan was found guilty of “producing terrorist propaganda” in an article published in an issue of the biweekly Express in October 2009.

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