
8 results arranged by date

CPJ welcomes pardon of Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich, calls for release of others in jail

Paris, May 22, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday welcomed Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko’s pardon of journalist Raman Pratasevich and called for all other members of the press imprisoned for their work to be released immediately.  “This decision should not overshadow the country’s shameful record on press freedom,” said Carlos Martinez de la Serna,…

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Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich sentenced to 8 years in prison

Paris, May 3, 2023—In response to multiple news reports that a Belarusian court sentenced journalist Raman Pratasevich to eight years in prison Wednesday, and also issued lengthy sentences to exiled journalists Stsypan Putsila and Yan Rudzik in their absence, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement of condemnation: “The sentencing of journalists Raman…

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Belarus prosecutor requests lengthy prison terms for journalists Raman Pratasevich, Stsypan Putsila, and Yan Rudzik

Paris, April 21, 2023–A Belarusian prosecutor requested a 10-year prison sentence for detained journalist Raman Pratasevich, a 19-year prison sentence in absentia for journalist Yan Rudzik, and a 20-year prison sentence in absentia for journalist Stsypan Putsila during a hearing on Friday, April 21, in Minsk, the capital, news reports said. “The lengthy prison terms…

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Belarus tries 3 NEXTA journalists on myriad of criminal charges

Paris, February 16, 2023 – In response to multiple news reports that the trial of Belarusian journalists Raman Pratasevich, Stsypan Putsila, and Yan Rudzik started on Thursday, with Pratasevich facing trial in person and the others being tried in absentia from exile, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for the many…

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Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich’s parents on their efforts to find and free their son

“It felt like a horror movie.” That is how Dmitry Pratasevich describes learning that his son, Raman Pratasevich, was arrested after Belarusian authorities diverted Raman’s commercial flight from Greece to Lithuania to land in Minsk on May 23. Raman was the co-founder of NEXTA and the chief editor of Belarus of the Brain, two Telegram channels that rankled authorities…

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In Belarus, Pratasevich’s arrest highlights risks facing journalists covering protests

The May 23 arrest of Belarusian journalist and blogger Raman Pratasevich off a diverted commercial passenger flight was a shattering blow to press freedom in Belarus. Pratasevich is the co-founder of NEXTA and chief editor of Belarus of the Brain, two Telegram channels that covered protests against President Aleksandr Lukashenko, a dangerous beat in the country where demonstrations are…

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Council of the EU must press Belarus to release journalist Raman Pratasevich

Brussels, May 25, 2021 – In response to a statement yesterday by the European Council demanding the immediate release of Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich and calling for sanctions on Belarusian officials, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “We welcome the call by European leaders for the immediate release of Belarusian journalist Raman…

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Detained Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich appears in ‘confession’ video

Vilnius, Lithuania, May 24, 2021 — Belarusian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release journalist Raman Pratasevich, who was detained yesterday, and allow him to leave the country freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Today, Pratasevich appeared in a 29-second video first published by the pro-government Telegram channel Zhyoltiye Slivy. In that video, which…

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