Media Development Authority

3 results arranged by date

Singaporean authorities shut down The Real Singapore news website

Bangkok, May 5, 2015–Singaporean authorities on Sunday ordered an independent news website to be shut down, citing the website’s content as being objectionable to state interests, according to news reports. The Real Singapore is the first news website to be shut down under Singapore’s licensing regulations, introduced in 2013, according to CPJ research.

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Wong Wing-yin, a reporter for Hong Kong's public broadcaster, RTHK, is escorted to safety during a pro-government protest on October 25, 2014, during which three journalists were assaulted. (Reuters/Damir Sagolj)

For clues to censorship in Hong Kong, look to Singapore, not Beijing

When journalists covering pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong on September 28, 2014, got word that protesters were having problems with cell phone service, it appeared to be a familiar response from governments across the world to dissent.

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Singapore imposes licensing fees on news websites

New York, May 29, 2013–Singapore’s plan to impose licensing fees on news websites will further stifle the press in the city-state’s already claustrophobic media atmosphere, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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