2 results arranged by date

Headshots of KBN TV's Innocent Phiri (left) and Millennium TV's Rodgers Mwiimba

Zambian police detain 2 journalists, make them delete interviews with opposition

Lusaka, April 22, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday called on Zambian authorities to thoroughly investigate a police assault on journalist Rodgers Mwiimba and his two-hour detention, alongside a second journalist, Innocent Phiri. On April 13, police officers arrested the two television journalists at Matanda Grounds, a public space in the town of Kafue,…

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Police investigate journalist Petty Chanda over leaked audio of government officials 

Lusaka, February 3, 2022 – Zambian authorities must immediately drop the criminal investigation into television station manager Petty Chanda and stop harassing journalists whose reporting may embarrass top officials, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On January 18, privately owned Kenmark Broadcasting Network (KBN TV) aired a leaked audio conversation allegedly between Levy Ngoma, political advisor…

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