Israel-Gaza war

53 results arranged by date

Gaza journalists struggle to report as they ‘expect to die daily’

New York-based Hoda Osman has spent the past six months helping Gaza journalists replace cameras, laptops, and phones lost or damaged in the Israel-Gaza war. More than 5,500 miles away, in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, Wafa’ Abdel Rahman coordinates humanitarian supplies and cash assistance for reporters under Israeli bombardment, while Rania Khayyat,…

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CPJ urges Netanyahu government not to shut down Al-Jazeera in Israel

Washington, D.C., April 1, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists urgently calls on the Israeli government not to close the Jerusalem-based bureau of Qatari broadcaster Al-Jazeera and allow the media to report freely on news events in Israel and Gaza during the current conflict. On Monday, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, passed a law allowing the government…

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‘Your credibility is on the line’: CPJ, 41 others urge MFC member states to act on Gaza

Editor’s note: This letter has been updated to reflect an increased number of signatories. The Committee to Protect Journalists joined 41 other media freedom organizations in calling out the “collective official silence” of the Media Freedom Coalition member states regarding the killings of journalists in Gaza and further warned that this silence seriously diminishes their…

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CPJ calls for Israel to release journalists detained during Al-Shifa hospital raid

Beirut, March 22, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Israeli authorities to immediately and unconditionally release the journalists arrested at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City this week.  On Monday, March 18, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a new offensive on the Al-Shifa hospital complex, arresting scores of Palestinians. An unspecified number of journalists, including…

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Witnesses: IDF assaulted, detained Al-Jazeera journalist in hospital raid

Editor’s note: Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul was released by Israeli forces on Monday night after being held for almost 12 hours. In an interview with Al-Jazeera, Al-Ghoul recounted how he and several other journalists were assaulted by IDF soldiers, whom he said destroyed the journalists’ tent and damaged their equipment and press vehicles. Al-Ghoul said the…

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News outlets express solidarity with journalists in Gaza

New York, February 29, 2024—Leaders of more than 100 news organizations across the world, including the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, and Reuters, have joined an open letter (full text below) affirming their solidarity with journalists reporting in Gaza. The letter, coordinated by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) with the support of the World Association…

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CPJ urges protection for Israeli journalist threatened with death after accepting film award

Washington, D.C., February 29, 2024—Israeli authorities must ensure necessary protections for Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham and his family, who were repeatedly threatened following criticism from high-level Israeli and German government officials.   Yuval Abraham, an Israeli film director and journalist with the independent news +972 Magazine, said on February 27 that he canceled his flight home…

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Leading news outlets affirm support for journalists in Gaza

Leaders of more than 30 news organizations around the world, including the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, and Reuters, have joined an open letter on Thursday affirming that they “stand united with Palestinian journalists in their call for safety, protection, and the freedom to report.” The letter, coordinated by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) with…

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CPJ joins calls to UN to push for accountability in murder of Lebanese video journalist Issam Abdallah

The Committee to Protect Journalists joined a combined 120 people and entities, including victims and their families, media outlets, press freedom groups, and human rights groups, in two letters calling on the United Nations to help provide accountability in the murder of Reuters video journalist Issam Abdallah, who was killed by Israeli forces in south…

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CPJ calls for Israel to halt war censorship plans

Washington D.C., February 16, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists expressed concern on Friday about Israeli government plans to make it illegal to publish leaked details from security cabinet meetings without approval from the military censor, saying this restriction would severely damage press freedom. “We urge Israel to drop this plan and ensure that the media…

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