
6 results arranged by date

Andrey Gnyot

Serbia court rules to extradite journalist Andrey Gnyot to Belarus

New York, June 18, 2024—A Serbian appeals court must not indulge a request from Belarusian authorities and should overturn a recent decision to extradite journalist Andrey Gnyot to Belarus, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On May 31, the Higher Court in Belgrade ruled to extradite Gnyot to Belarus for tax evasion, according to…

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CPJ calls on Serbia not to extradite Belarusian journalist Andrey Gnyot

New York, May 14, 2024 — Serbian authorities should not extradite Belarusian journalist Andrey Gnyot to face criminal charges in Belarus and release him immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. Serbian authorities detained Gnyot upon his arrival in the country on October 30, 2023, based on a September 21 Interpol arrest warrant issued…

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CPJ joins call for new emergency visa regulations to protect journalists fleeing threats

Yesterday, the Committee to Protect Journalists joined a panel marking the launch of a report, “Providing Safe Refuge to Journalists at Risk,” published by the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, and CPJ endorsed the report’s findings and recommendations. The report recommends that countries prioritize the issuance of emergency visas to allow…

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Honduran migrants take part in a caravan toward the U.S. in Chiquimula, Guatemala, on October 17. CPJ has issued safety advice for journalists covering the caravan as it passes through Mexico. (AFP/Orlando Estrada)

CPJ Safety Advisory: Covering the migrant caravan

UPDATED: This safety advisory was updated on February 15, 2019. In October 2018, thousands of migrants travelled as part of a caravan that departed San Pedro Sula in Honduras for the U.S. As the caravan attempted to cross Mexico, the risk increased for any journalists accompanying it.

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Exiled journalist Can Dündar holds up a list of journalists jailed in Turkey, during a September 28 press conference in Berlin. Prosecutors have asked for Interpol to issue a warrant for Dündar's arrest. (AFP/David Gannon)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of October 11

Journalists in court An Istanbul court on October 16 asked Interpol to issue a “red notice” warrant for the exiled journalists Can Dündar and İlhan Tanır, according to reports. Dündar and Tanır were defendants in the trial against the opposition daily Cumhuriyet, until their cases were separated from the main trial on April 25, when…

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Can Dündar, pictured on April 7, 2017, in Berlin, is the former chief editor of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet and faces prosecution for his reporting. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Turkey issues new arrest warrant for Can Dündar, asks Interpol to do same

New York, April 2, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Turkish authorities to drop the politically motivated case against the exiled independent journalist Can Dündar, and allow him to do his work without fear of reprisal.

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