
705 results arranged by date

CPJ welcomes charges in Garcia-Esperat murder

In response to reports that murder charges have been filed against the alleged masterminds in the 2005 killing of Philippine journalist Marlene Garcia-Esperat before a local court in Mindanao, we issued this statement today …

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Two years without Anna

I met Anna Politkovskaya in person only once, in 2005. She was in New York to collect yet another journalism award, and stopped by CPJ one October afternoon. I remember her crossing the lobby with an even, determined step. She had an urgency about her–that rare focus that comes only with absolute clarity about one’s…

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CPJ alarmed by gun attack on Sri Lankan journalist

We issued this statement today after learning that Radhika Devakumar, a provincial correspondent of the Thinakaran newspaper, a Tamil daily, survived an attack in her home during which she received three gunshot wounds.”This attack has the earmarks of an assassination attempt. The government must immediately act to bring the perpetrators to justice. Sri Lanka’s record of…

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Putin and the tiger

This Monday, the fourth anniversary of the Beslan school hostage crisis, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sedated a Siberian tiger to save–or so legend has it–a state television crew. As survivors of the Beslan tragedy gathered at the graveyard outside the North Ossetian town to mourn the more than 330 victims–mostly children–killed in the massacre,…

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Philippine impunity crisis deepens with two murders

Last week, two Philippine radio broadcasters were killed, gunned down in broad daylight on busy city streets. The murders, only four days apart, highlighted the continuing vulnerability of journalists here and the government’s inability to protect them. The broadcasters were shot in separate, unrelated incidents. But the killings were eerily similar to other journalist slayings…

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