
1859 results arranged by date

Hungarian parliament

CPJ, others express solidarity with journalists, NGOs targeted by Hungary’s Russian-style Sovereignty Protection Office

Berlin, June 28, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists joined nine international press freedom and human rights organizations in expressing solidarity with NGOs Transparency International Hungary and Átlátszó, which Hungary authorities have targeted with investigations. The joint statement urged the European Commission and EU Member States to take immediate and decisive action to protect NGOs and…

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A man in a blue shirt takes a selfie in front of houses.

U.K.-based journalist Shafiur Rahman decries Bangladesh authorities’ ‘harassment by proxy’

Police and National Security Intelligence officers detained 32 Rohingyas, a stateless ethnic minority, for around 16 hours in Bangladesh’s southeast Cox’s Bazar region on May 17, 2024, on allegations of holding an unauthorized meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network of Refugees (APNOR), a region-wide network of civil society organizations and advocates. Officers questioned nearly all of…

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Fleeing prolonged media crackdown, Ethiopian journalists struggle in exile

When Belete Kassa’s friend and news show co-host Belaye Manaye was arrested in November 2023 and taken to the remote Awash Arba military camp known as the “Guantanamo of the desert,” Belete feared that he might be next. The two men co-founded the YouTube-based channel Ethio News in 2020, which had reported extensively on a conflict that…

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Drug-related violence fuels an exodus of Ecuador’s press

On the only radio station in the remote Ecuadorian town of Baeza, morning show host Juan Carlos Tito updates listeners on the weather, recent power outages, and repairs to a bridge spanning a nearby river. For the last 24 years, Tito, 53, has been the trusted voice of Radio Selva, broadcasting important community news to…

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Hostile climate intensifies for Slovak press after PM Fico shooting

The day after Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot on May 15, the heads of 27 news outlets condemned the attack and called on politicians not to further divide society by looking for culprits. “Just like after the murder of our colleague Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová, we are once again at…

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The moment journalist Uglješa Bokić’s attacker tried to snatch his mobile phone as he was covering election day skirmishes between ruling party and opposition supporters on June 2, 2024. (Screenshot: Uglješa Bokić/Danas)

Journalists harassed, obstructed, attacked in Serbia’s election period

Berlin, June 12, 2023 — Serbian authorities should conduct a swift and thorough investigation into recent attacks against journalists covering elections, and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Wednesday. On June 9, Serbia’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) won a vote for Belgrade city council and in partial local elections nationwide,…

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At least 5 journalists harassed or assaulted covering pre-election events in Mozambique

New York, June 7, 2024 – Mozambican authorities should investigate the harassment and assault of at least five journalists covering election-related events since March, and take concrete steps to ensure the press can freely and safely report on matters of crucial public interest leading up to the country’s October general elections, said the Committee to…

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Mozambican reporter Sheila Wilson (left), of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights, reporting from a protest on June 4 before she was arrested. Mozambican STV campera operator Hélder Matwassa and an STV reporter told CPJ they were assaulted and robbed during the protest. (Screenshot, left: Adriano Nuvunga/Facebook, photo: Hélder Matwassa)

Mozambique journalist arrested, 2 harassed and robbed at protest

New York, June 7, 2024 — The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday expressed alarm that police arrested one journalist and two others were robbed of equipment while covering a protest in the Mozambican capital, Maputo.  At around 6:00 p.m. on June 4, seven police officers chased and arrested Sheila Wilson while she was reporting…

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Israeli nationalists, including far-right activists, shout and dance at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem on June 5, 2024, during the Jerusalem Day Flag March. (Photo: AFP/Gil Cohen-Magen)

Two journalists harassed, assaulted and detained during Flag March in Jerusalem

New York, June 6, 2024 – The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the harassment and assault of Palestinian journalist Saif Kwasmi and Israeli journalist Nir Hasson during yesterday’s Jerusalem Day Flag March and urged Israeli authorities to identify the attackers and hold them to account. During the annual Jerusalem Day Flag March, which commemorates…

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Azda TV presenter Firuz Hayit, seen here on the channel's flagship "Imruz" (Today) show, is one of the journalists whose family members have been harassed, according to information shared with CPJ. (Screenshot: Azda TV)

CPJ calls on Tajikistan authorities to stop harassing relatives of exiled journalists

Stockholm, May 24, 2024—Tajikistan authorities must end their harassment of family members of journalists with independent Europe-based broadcaster Azda TV and allow exiled journalists to work without fear of reprisal, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. Since late last year, Tajik law enforcement agencies have repeatedly summoned, interrogated, and threatened relatives of five Azda…

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