
64 results arranged by date

Journalists allege assault aboard ship near Gaza

New York, February 6, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Israel to return confiscated news footage of its navy allegedly firing on and boarding a ship on Thursday. Journalists who were on board say they filmed Israeli soldiers assaulting a passenger, and that they were later beaten after their equipment had been confiscated, a…

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Israeli Supreme Court orders Gaza opened to reporters

The Israeli Supreme Court announced today that international journalists must be allowed total access to Gaza in light of the official end of hostilities on January 18. Since November, the Israeli government has said that restricting the entry of these journalists has been for their own safety. Tel Aviv’s Foreign Press Association called the claim…

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After the cease-fire in Gaza

Although Israeli military operations have officially come to an end in Gaza, access for journalists has improved only marginally. Despite a December 31 ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court (on the fifth day of military operations) to allow eight journalists to enter Gaza each time the Erez crossing was opened, the government failed to implement the…

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Press freedom in the news 1/20/2009

The murder of prominent Sri Lankan editor Lasantha Wickramatunga remains in the news with The New York Times running an editorial about him over the weekend. The Daily Times of Pakistan also has coverage of Wickramatunga’s death, which has garnered worldwide attention with the publication of the editor’s final column–it explained why he felt compelled to risk…

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CPJ urges Olmert to lift Gaza press ban

Dear Prime Minister Olmert: Since the Israeli military campaign began last month, international journalists have been denied independent access to Gaza. With the declaration of a cease-fire, we urge your government to immediately lift the ban and allow international journalists to independently report on events in Gaza.

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Press freedom in the news 1/16/2009

Inter Press News has an article about the continued struggle journalists are facing to report on the conflict in Gaza. The story quotes our letter to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak criticizing the IDF’s decision to bar journalists from entering Gaza. The article cites CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon who says, “By preventing journalists from…

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Another media building hit by Israeli fire

New York, January 15, 2009–The Israeli government must ensure that media facilities are not targeted in the conflict in Gaza, the Committee to Protects Journalists said today. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fired at least one missile today directly at a Gaza City building that houses multiple news organizations, injuring at least two journalists and…

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Gaza media base hit; Reuters shows aftermath

Reuters has released a video about the Israeli strike today on the Al-Shuruq Tower, a building in Gaza City that houses dozens of international newspapers, television stations, and news agencies, including its own bureau. (Note: Ad precedes.)

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CPJ denounces strike on media building

We issued the following statement today after the Israeli military fired at least one missile directly at Al-Shuruq Tower, a building in Gaza City which houses dozens of international newspapers, television stations, and news agencies, according to multiple news outlets.

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Airstrike hits media building in Gaza

New York, January 9, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the Israeli military’s bombing today of a Gaza City building that houses the offices of a number of international news organizations.  

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