European Union

249 results arranged by date

CPJ sends letter calling for EU to pressure Morocco on press freedom

The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the European External Action Service to pressure Moroccan authorities to release detained journalists and cease surveilling members of the press.

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Proposed amendments to Georgia’s broadcasting law raise censorship fears

Stockholm, October 21, 2022—Georgian authorities should withdraw contested amendments to the country’s broadcasting law and work with stakeholders to devise a regulatory framework that enjoys broad industry support, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. In a first reading on September 20, Georgia’s parliament passed a package of amendments to the country’s broadcasting law that…

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CPJ calls on EU to hold India to account for media clampdown 

Brussels, July 13, 2022 – The Committee to Protect Journalists on Wednesday called on the European External Action Service to hold Indian authorities accountable for widespread and severe press freedom violations when they meet for the annual India-EU Human Rights Dialogue on Friday, July 15.  “The dialogue should be an opportunity for the EU to…

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CPJ joins call to strengthen EU European Media Freedom Act

The Committee to Protect Journalists joined 16 other press and free expression organizations in a letter to European commissioners on May 9, or Europe Day, calling on them to ensure that the proposed European Media Freedom Act defends press freedom and independence. The letter calls for the European Commission to expand the EMFA beyond basic…

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CPJ welcomes European Union’s anti-SLAPP initiative

Brussels, April 27, 2022 – The Committee to Protect Journalists on Wednesday welcomed the European Commission’s move to pass an initiative seeking to address the abuse of SLAPP lawsuits in Europe. SLAPPs (strategic lawsuits against public participation) are abusive lawsuits filed by powerful officials, businesspeople, or corporations against individuals, including critical journalists or news outlets,…

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How Venezuela’s government uses private internet providers to restrict access to the news

After seven years of painstakingly building up its audience, Crónica Uno, one of the only high-quality news websites that caters to poor and working-class Venezuelans, was recording up to 15,000 unique page views per day. But after private internet service providers (ISPs) teamed up with Venezuela’s authoritarian government in February to block Crónica Uno and…

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Hungarian journalists fear Orbán will use election win to tighten grip on independent media

As Hungary’s right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orbán celebrated his landslide election win on Sunday with jubilant jibes at the European Union’s “bureaucrats in Brussels” and international media, the country’s independent journalists braced themselves for an even harsher media climate during his Fidesz party’s unprecedented fourth consecutive term in office. Orbán has systematically eroded Hungary’s independent…

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European Parliament speaks out on violence against journalists in Mexico

Brussels, March 10, 2022 — The European Union must strengthen its criticism of the deterioration of press freedom in Mexico and ensure that Mexican authorities guarantee immediate resourcing and funding of their protection program for journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday.  The European Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday, March 10, that condemns…

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CPJ calls on European Parliament to take global lead on ending spyware abuse

Brussels, March 8, 2022 – The European Parliament should ensure that an upcoming investigation into Pegasus and other spyware fulfills its ambitious scope and vision, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Wednesday, members of the European Parliament are set to vote on establishing a committee to investigate how EU member states have used…

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CPJ joins call for human rights protections in EU Digital Services Act

CPJ joined 71 civil society organizations in a March 1 letter calling on European Union member states to ensure that the Digital Services Act protects human rights as final negotiations on the text begin. The DSA is a legislative framework which could limit the spreading of hate speech, disinformation, and other illegal content on the…

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