Dozhd TV

17 results arranged by date

Dozhd TV editor Tikhon Dzyadko on why he fled Russia and shut his broadcaster down

Russian independent broadcaster Dozhd TV announced during a live broadcast on Thursday that it would suspend its operations after Russia’s media regulator blocked its website for spreading “deliberately false information about the actions of Russian military personnel.”  Dozhd TV had drawn the ire of Russian authorities because of it used the word “invasion” to report on Russia’s war in…

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Russian court jails journalist Sergey Stepanov for 30 days over Navalny protest coverage

Vilnius, Lithuania, April 29, 2021 — Russian authorities should release journalist Sergey Stepanov immediately and should cease detaining and harassing members of the press covering protests, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, the Oktyabrsky District Court in the central Russian city of Tambov sentenced Stepanov, a freelance correspondent for Finnish TV and radio broadcaster…

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Belarus police attack and detain journalists amid election protests

Vilnius, Lithuania, August 10, 2020 — Belarusian authorities should refrain from assaulting and detaining journalists covering protests, and should hold police officers accountable for attacks on the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, riot police in Minsk, the capital, assaulted at least four journalists and detained at least five, according to news…

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Protesters in St. Petersburg hold a banner reading "Love is stronger than war," May 1, 2014. The mayor of the nearby border city of Svetogorsk's assertion that there were no homosexuals in his town drew reporters seeking follow-up stories. (Reuters/Alexander Demianchuck)

Russian security services detain journalists in border city, order them to leave

New York, March 7, 2017–Russian security services should stop harassing and obstructing journalists and should allow them to work unimpeded, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Security services have detained at least three journalists who had traveled to report from the northwestern city of Svetogorsk, on Russia’s border with Finland, in the past two…

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CPJ urges Putin to ensure Chechen officials cease harassing journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists writes to Russian President Vladimir Putin to express its deep concern at the menacing language employed on social media and in the press by officials in Chechnya against critical journalists and rights activists.

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Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo releases an anniversary edition to mark the deadly attack on its staff last January. Government responses to the killings have threatened press freedom. (Jacques Demarthon/AFP)

One year after Charlie Hebdo, will press freedom become victim of war on terror?

Who would have thought that France would top the list of most deadly countries for the press in 2015, second only to Syria? The massacre of eight cartoonists and journalists by Islamic militants at the Paris office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo last January was one of the deadliest attacks against the press since…

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CPJ alarmed by Russia’s harassment of Dozhd TV

New York, December 7, 2015–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Russian authorities to allow Dozhd TV to broadcast without fear of harassment. Today, prosecutors in Moscow carried out an audit of the independent station to check for purported violations of Russia’s laws on extremism, anti-terrorism, labor, and licensing, according to an official notice the…

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