
1483 results arranged by date

Boys stand on the edges of a vintage tram as it runs along the main shopping and pedestrian street of Istiklal in central Istanbul, Turkey in January 2018. Turkey continues to crackdown on media. (Reuters/Murad Sezer)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of April 16, 2018

Journalists in prison An Istanbul court on April 17 arraigned Adil Demirci, a Turkish-German dual national and reporter for the socialist Etkin News Agency (ETHA), on charges of “being a member of a [terrorist] organization” and “making propaganda for a [terrorist] organization,” according to the German news agency Deutsche Welle. In the same case, the…

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A participant runs past the Israeli barrier in the occupied West Bank during the annual Palestine Marathon in Bethlehem on March 23, 2018. Palestinian Preventive Security Forces on April 18 arrested Hazem Naser at home in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, according to news reports. (Reuters/Mussa Qawasma)

Palestinian security forces arrest journalist in the West Bank

Beirut, April 18, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today expressed concern about the arrest of Hazem Naser, a Palestinian cameraperson and video editor for An-Najah Broadcasting Channel (NBC).

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Riot police prepare ahead of civilian protests in Kinshasa. Journalists covering unrest in the DRC risk being detained, attacked, or harassed. (Reuters/Kenny Katombe)

Journalists covering unrest in the DRC face arrests, assault, and internet shutdowns

On New Year’s Eve, as the world prepared to ring in 2018, Congolese journalist Edmon Izula was being repeatedly hit with a rifle and threatened at gunpoint by a member of the state security forces. Iluza was one of at least three journalists harassed by authorities that day, in a scenario that has become common…

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Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev arrives in Brussels in November 2017. Azerbaijan has continued to harass and censor its press ahead of snap elections scheduled for April 11. (AP/Olivier Matthys/File)

Azerbaijan goes to the polls amid muzzled media and blocked websites

When it comes to silencing critics, Azerbaijani authorities have been industrious and methodical. Ahead of snap presidential elections scheduled for April 11, potential opposition candidates have been either jailed or barred from running, and the political landscape has been cleansed of virtually all formal avenues of expressing dissent.

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Congolese journalists stand in solidarity with imprisoned journalist Eliezer Ntambwe in front of the DRC's Prosecutor General's Office in Kinshasa on April 3, 2018. (Credit withheld)

DRC journalist Eliezer Ntambwe detained without charge

New York, April 4, 2018–Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo should immediately release Eliezer Ntambwe, a journalist and presenter at the privately owned news outlet and YouTube channel Tokomi Wapi, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Pedestrians walk along Istiklal Street, in central Istanbul, in 2016. Police on March 28 raided the pro-Kurdish daily Özgürlükçü Demokrasi, based in the district. (AFP/Yasin Akgul)

Turkish authorities seize control of pro-Kurdish national daily

Istanbul, March 28, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the takeover today by a government-affiliated body of one of the last remaining pro-Kurdish national dailies and called for authorities to immediately release at least 10 media staff detained during the raid and to return the outlet to its rightful management.

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Opposition supporters hold placards reading 'Kabila - get lost' and 'Transition without Kabila' during a protest in Kinshasa on November 30, 2017. At least six local journalists were detained while trying to cover protests across the DRC. (AFP/Junior Kannah)

In DRC at least six journalists detained during anti-government protests

Congolese security forces on November 30, 2017, detained at least six local journalists and confiscated their equipment as they tried to cover countrywide protests over President Joseph Kabila’s refusal to stand down when his second five-year term in office expired in 2016 and his refusal to hold elections, according to a local press freedom group…

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A TV screen shows Chinese President Xi Jinping delivering a speech at the closing session of the annual National People's Congress in Beijing on March 20. China's censors last month removed from social media any words suggesting Xi is seeking a life term. (AP/Andy Wong)

Censorship, surveillance, and harassment: China cracks down on critics

Hours after the Chinese Communist Party proposed a constitutional change last month to lift presidential term limits, any words or phrases that remotely suggested President Xi Jingping was seeking a life term were blocked from social media. Censors targeted everything from “Emperor Xi,” “The Emperor’s Dream,” and “Dream of Returning to the Great Qing,” to…

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Catholics sing and dance during a December 31, 2017 demonstration to call for the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to step down. At least three journalists covering the rallies in Kinshasa say police harassed them. (AFP/John Wessels)

DRC security forces harass journalists covering Kabila protests

Security forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on December 31, 2017, harassed at least three journalists who were reporting on protests in the capital, Kinshasa, over President Joseph Kabila’s refusal to stand down when his second five-year term in office expired in 2016 and his refusal to hold elections, according to local journalists…

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Maldivian police pictured at a protest in the capital, Malé, on March 2. Three Raajje TV journalists are detained over their coverage of anti-government protests held on March 16. (AFP/Ahmed Shurau)

In Maldives, at least three journalists detained over protest coverage

New York, March 16, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Maldivian authorities to immediately release three Raajje TV journalists who, according to their pro-opposition station, were detained today over their coverage of anti-government protests in the capital, Malé.

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