
98 results arranged by date

A sign reading 'Cumhuriyet will not be silent' is held during a protest outside Istanbul's court house in September 2017. An appeals court in February upheld the convictions of six staff at the paper. (AFP/Yasin Akgul)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of February 17, 2019

Appeals court upholds Cumhuriyet verdict An Istanbul appeals court on February 19 upheld the terrorism-related convictions of staff from the daily Cumhuriyet who were earlier sentenced to five years or less in prison, according to reports. CPJ condemned the decision. The decision means that at least six defendants, including a cartoonist, journalists, a lawyer, an…

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Protesters hold copies of Turkish daily newspaper Cumhuriyet during a demonstration in front of a courthouse in Istanbul on October 31, 2017. Today, the Istanbul appeals court rejected several appeals relating to the Cumhuriyet case. (Yasin Akgul/AFP)

Turkish appeals court upholds prison sentences for Cumhuriyet staff

Istanbul, February 19, 2019–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the Istanbul appeals court’s decision today to uphold the terrorism-related convictions of the staff of pro-opposition daily newspaper Cumhuriyet.

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A view of the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul on January 28. Journalist Ayşe Düzkan has started serving an 18-month prison sentence in an Istanbul prison over her participation in the Özgür Gündem solidarity campaign. (AFP/Ozan Kose)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of January 28, 2019

Düzkan starts jail term for Özgür Gündem campaignJournalist Ayşe Düzkan started serving an 18-month prison sentence in Bakırköy Women’s Prison in Istanbul on January 29 over her participation in a solidarity campaign with the daily newspaper Özgür Gündem, the independent news website Bianet reported. A court sentenced Düzkan in November. Before turning herself in, Düzkanb…

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, pictured at a meeting in Ankara on January 1. The president said this week that recent reforms have made Turkey's press more democratic. (AFP/Kayhan Ozer)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of January 7, 2019

Erdoğan says Turkish media is ‘more democratic’ In a message to mark Working Journalists’ Day–a local press freedom day on January 10–Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “The reforms actualized in the past 16 years have enabled the Turkish press to be richer, diverse, and meet a more democratic and liberal structure,” Duvar reported.

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A street vendor in Istanbul sells Turkish flags on December 31. Turkey's media regulator has fined two news broadcasters over their critical commentary. (Reuters/Murad Sezer)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of December 31, 2018

Media watchdog fines and blocks two critical stationsTurkey’s official media watchdog RTÜK has fined and censored the critical channels Halk TV and FOX TV Turkey for allegedly “provoking the people into hatred and animosity,” reports said.

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Turkish journalist Can Dündar, pictured at a press conference in Berlin in September. Turkey has issued a new arrest warrant for the former chief editor. (AFP/David Gannon)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of December 2

Journalists in court A Diyarbakır Court on December 5 ordered Rojhat Doğru, a journalist formerly with the northern Iraq outlet Gali Kurdistan TV, to be detained pending investigation, the pro-Kurdish Mezopotamya Agency reported. According to the report, Doğru was taken into custody in Istanbul on the accusation of “being a member of a [terrorist] organization,”…

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Exiled journalist Can Dündar holds up a list of journalists jailed in Turkey, during a September 28 press conference in Berlin. Prosecutors have asked for Interpol to issue a warrant for Dündar's arrest. (AFP/David Gannon)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of October 11

Journalists in court An Istanbul court on October 16 asked Interpol to issue a “red notice” warrant for the exiled journalists Can Dündar and İlhan Tanır, according to reports. Dündar and Tanır were defendants in the trial against the opposition daily Cumhuriyet, until their cases were separated from the main trial on April 25, when…

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German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yücel, pictured with his wife Dilek before the M100 media awards in Potsdam on September 18. A Turkish court this week rejected a compensation case for Yücel's wrongful arrest over his year-long detention. (AFP/John MacDougall)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of September 20, 2018

Journalists jailed Police on September 24 briefly detained and questioned Ergün Demir, chief editor of Akatos Haber, a local news website in northwestern Kocaeli province, the leftist daily Birgün reported.

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Riot police detain Emine Ocak, a member of Saturday Mothers group, during a demonstration on August 25, 2018, in Istanbul. Turkish police assaulted reporters at the August 25 protest. (AFP/Hayri Tunc)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of August 27, 2018

Police assault reporters in Istanbul Turkish police violently attacked several reporters trying to cover a weekly silent protest, known as the Saturday Mothers, in Istanbul’s Galatasaray Square on August 25, the New York Times reported. The reporters, alongside activists participating in the protest, were attacked by the police during the 700th vigil for those who…

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Turkish aircraft fly over a parade in the Turkish Cypriot northern part of the divided city of Nicosia, Cyprus on July 20, 2018. The parade marked the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus. (Reuters/Yiannis Kourtoglou)

Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of July 30, 2018

Journalist threatened Hale Gönültaş, a reporter for the news website Gazete Duvar, received a death threat on July 30, three days after the publication of her feature on the Islamic State militant group selling Yezidi women as slaves, her employer reported. Gönültaş’s report stated that at least one Yezidi woman was sold in Ankara, Turkey’s…

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