
3 results arranged by date

The moment journalist Uglješa Bokić’s attacker tried to snatch his mobile phone as he was covering election day skirmishes between ruling party and opposition supporters on June 2, 2024. (Screenshot: Uglješa Bokić/Danas)

Journalists harassed, obstructed, attacked in Serbia’s election period

Berlin, June 12, 2023 — Serbian authorities should conduct a swift and thorough investigation into recent attacks against journalists covering elections, and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Wednesday. On June 9, Serbia’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) won a vote for Belgrade city council and in partial local elections nationwide,…

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Staff of Serbian newspaper Danas gets email threatening Charlie Hebdo attack

Berlin, November 9, 2022—Serbian authorities should conduct a quick and thorough investigation into the threats made against staff at the privately owned Danas daily newspaper, bring the perpetrators to justice, and ensure the journalists’ safety, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On Sunday, November 6, an unknown individual from an email address with the…

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A women's rights march in Belgrade on January 21, 2017. Women journalists in Serbia say they face threats of sexual violence and online abuse over their critical reporting. (AFP/Andrej Isakovic)

Two-fold risk for Serbia’s women journalists as attackers target their work and gender

“In the past five years I was publically called many things. I was an old hag, a sterile, cheap Soros’ prostitute, a hooker, not f***ed enough, in need of a good prick, and destroyer of the Serbian Orthodox Church,” said Tatjana Vojtehovski, a Serbian television journalist with a large presence on social media. “My response…

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