Belsat TV

30 results arranged by date

Belarusian journalist Iryna Slaunikava sentenced to 5 years in prison

Paris, August 3, 2022 — In response to a Belarusian court’s sentencing of journalist Iryna Slaunikava to five years in prison on Wednesday, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement of condemnation: “Today’s sentencing of journalist Iryna Slaunikava to five years in prison is another example of the deeply cynical and vindictive nature…

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Belarusian journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva convicted of treason, sentenced to additional 8 years imprisonment

Paris, July 13, 2022 — In response to a Belarusian court’s conviction Wednesday of journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva on treason charges, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement condemning the decision. “By convicting journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva on ludicrous treason charges only a few months before the end of her first prison term, Belarusian authorities…

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At least 5 journalists face court hearings over reporting in Belarus

Paris, July 11, 2022 – Authorities in Belarus should immediately stop harassing and prosecuting members of the press, and release all journalists imprisoned for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. This week, at least four members of the press are scheduled to appear in court because of their work, and another was…

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Imprisoned Belarus journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva begins new trial on treason charges

New York, July 5, 2022 – Belarus authorities should immediately and unconditionally release journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva and stop prosecuting members of the press over their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On July 4, Andreyeva’s trial on treason charges started behind closed doors in the southeastern city of Homel, according to a Facebook post by…

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At least five independent Belarusian journalists face trials, years in jail

Paris, June 3, 2022 – Ahead of the imminent trials of at least five independent Belarusian journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the country’s authorities to drop the charges against them and immediately release them from jail, CPJ said Friday.   The journalists, whose trials are scheduled to begin between Monday, June 6,…

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Belarusian journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva facing up to 15 years in prison on treason charges

Paris, April 8, 2022 – Belarusian authorities should drop the treason charges against journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva, release her immediately, and stop charging and imprisoning members of the press over their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. “By charging imprisoned journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva with treason, Belarusian authorities show how far they are willing to…

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In Belarus, Lukashenko’s vindictiveness reaches new heights

On May 23, Belarusian authorities caused a global outcry when they diverted a Lithuania-bound commercial flight to the Belarus capital of Minsk so they could arrest two passengers on the plane: self-exiled journalist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend Sofia Sapega. This shocking tactic was seen as emblematic of just how far President Aleksandr Lukashenko is…

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Belarus journalists charged, detained over alleged Facebook interactions with banned outlets

Vilnius, Lithuania, November 4, 2021 — Belarusian authorities should cease their practice of banning news outlets, and should not punish journalists for allegedly interacting with such banned outlets, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On November 1, Belarusian courts convicted two journalists, Iryna Slaunikava and Syarhei Niarouny, on charges of spreading extremism over their alleged…

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Belarusian authorities raid news outlets, detain journalists amid nationwide crackdown

New York, July 8, 2021 – Belarusian authorities must release all journalists held in custody for their work and drop all investigations into independent news outlets, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Starting this morning, authorities raided at least three news outlets and arrested at least seven journalists nationwide amid a crackdown on the…

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Russian court jails journalist Sergey Stepanov for 30 days over Navalny protest coverage

Vilnius, Lithuania, April 29, 2021 — Russian authorities should release journalist Sergey Stepanov immediately and should cease detaining and harassing members of the press covering protests, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, the Oktyabrsky District Court in the central Russian city of Tambov sentenced Stepanov, a freelance correspondent for Finnish TV and radio broadcaster…

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