
2123 results arranged by date

Video editor shot by U.S. military

New York, January 5, 2009–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls for a transparent investigation into the shooting of an Iraqi video editor by U.S. military forces on January 1.

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In Tunisia, security agents intimidate reporters

New York, December 31, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the intimidation of Tunisian journalists who tried to cover efforts Tuesday by the opposition Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) to demonstrate against Israeli attacks on Gaza. Two journalists were assaulted and three faced harassment in Tunis, according to several CPJ interviews.

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Reporter for opposition newspaper stabbed in Almaty

New York, December 30, 2008–Kazakh authorities must launch a thorough investigation into the stabbing of Artyom Miusov, a reporter with the opposition weekly Taszhargan, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. 

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In Gaza bombing, CPJ seeks explanation

Dear Defense Minister Barak: The Committee to Protect Journalists urgently demands an explanation for the bombing of Al-Aqsa TV headquarter in Gaza City by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday. We are also dismayed by the army’s decision to declare Gaza’s northern boundary with Israel and other parts of the territory “closed military zones.”

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Journalist beaten, threatened in North Caucasus

New York, December 23, 2008–Russian authorities should promptly investigate the attack on Zhanna Akbasheva, a correspondent for the Regnum news agency in the republic of Karachai-Cherkessia, in Russia’s North Caucasus, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. 

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A dozen journalists detained, beaten at rally

New York, December 22, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists is incensed by the violent attack on journalists covering a Sunday demonstration in Vladivostok, the regional capital of Primorsky Krai in Russia’s Far East. 

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CPJ calls for nonpartisan investigation into attack

New York, December 22, 2008–Nepalese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s coalition government must carry out an open, independent, and nonpartisan investigation into Sunday’s attack on Himalmedia in Kathmandu, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Reporter alleges beating by presidential guards

New York, December 10, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists is outraged by reports that a journalist who was summoned to the Gabonese presidential office ended up in intensive care from a severe beating on December 5. The office called in journalist Habib Papy Boubendji for questioning over a November 27 column that raised pointed questions…

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Investigative journalist severely beaten

New York, November 19, 2008–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the brazen attack on Edik Baghdasarian, the editor of the Yerevan-based online newsmagazine Hetq. Three unidentified men ambushed Baghdasarian on Monday outside his office and badly beat him. 

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Press Freedom in the News 11/17/08

Three men charged in the 2007 murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya are on trial in Moscow beginning today.

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