Anhar Kochneva

7 results arranged by date

Kidnapped Ukrainian journalist reported free in Syria

New York, March 11, 2013–A Ukrainian journalist reportedly held by rebel forces in Syria since October is free, according to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and news reports citing the journalist’s relatives. Most news reports characterized Anhar Kochneva as having fled her captors, but few details were reported about the circumstances.

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A Syrian pilot shot down and taken prisoner is interviewed by Al-Jazeera on October 17. (YouTube)

Humanitarian law, ethics, and journalism in Syria

A small number of journalists reporting from Syria have recently interviewed prisoners of war under highly coercive circumstances. In doing so, they have ignored the protections that are due to prisoners under international humanitarian law, or IHL.

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Journalists continue to pay heavy price in Syria

New York, December 4, 2012–An editor for a state-run paper and a reporter for a pro-opposition weekly died in Syria in recent days, lifting the death toll in the world’s most dangerous place for the press.

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Two more journalists killed in Syria

New York, November 26, 2012–At least two journalists have been killed over the past five days while documenting unrest in Syria, according to news reports.

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A still from the November 7 video. (YouTube)

Video emerges of Ukrainian journalist captive in Syria

New York, November 14, 2012–A Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped in Syria in mid-October appeared in a short video last week pleading for her embassy to meet the demands of her captors, according to news reports. At least two other international journalists are believed to be held captive in Syria and the whereabouts of a…

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Lebanese journalist abducted by rebel group in Syria

New York, October 29, 2012–A rebel group abducted a Lebanese journalist in the northern city of Aleppo on Saturday, bringing to at least five the number of international journalists being held captive by various sides of the conflict. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the journalists’ captors to immediately release them and stop targeting…

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One journalist killed, another reported missing in Syria

New York, October 16, 2012–The heavy toll on news media covering the conflict in Syria has grown yet again over the past week as a journalist for a pro-government TV station was killed and a Ukrainian journalist working for Russian news outlets is believed to be kidnapped.

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