Alina Skrabunova

3 results arranged by date

Belarus police detain and fine at least 16 journalists over protest coverage, ties to foreign news outlets

New York, March 30, 2021 –Belarusian authorities should immediately release journalist Andrzej Poczobut, and stop detaining and fining members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Between March 18 and 27, Belarusian authorities detained at least 16 journalists and fined at least three members of the press, according to news reports, and…

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Belarusian authorities continue to arrest, obstruct journalists covering protests

Vilnius, Lithuania, September 8, 2020 — Belarusian authorities should immediately release all journalists detained while covering nationwide protests, return their property, and drop all charges against them, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since yesterday, authorities have ordered the detention of at least two journalists, raided a journalist’s home, and fined two freelance reporters,…

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Belarusian police continue beating and detaining journalists

Vilnius, Lithuania, August 13, 2020 — Belarusian authorities should stop detaining journalists and allow them to cover protests freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.  Detentions and beatings of journalists have continued for the fifth day since the August 9 presidential elections in which incumbent President Aleksandr Lukashenko declared a landslide victory….

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