Alaa al-Rimawi

4 results arranged by date

Palestinian journalists are being imprisoned by Israel in record numbers

In October, when the Israel-Gaza war began, Alaa al-Rimawi snapped into action, covering developments on J-Media, the West Bank-based news agency he directs, as well as on TikTok and Facebook. But his conflict coverage would be short-lived. Less than two weeks after the start of the war, Israel banned J-Media on security grounds and quickly…

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Palestinian police close the office of J-Media Network news agency near Ramallah

New York, July 29, 2021 — The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the closure by the Palestinian police of the office of the J-Media Network news agency in Ramallah and called on Palestinian authorities to allow J-Media staff to return to the office and report the news freely and without fear of reprisal. On…

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Israeli security forces arrest Palestinian journalist Alaa al-Rimawi in Ramallah

New York, April 22, 2021 – Israeli authorities should immediately make public any charges against Palestinian journalist Alaa al-Rimawi and disclose where he is being held, or release him unconditionally at once, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Early yesterday morning, a group of about 12 Israeli soldiers raided the Ramallah home of al-Rimawi,…

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Israeli forces stand guard as Palestinians sit outside shops in Hebron, in the West Bank on April 3, 2018. At least seven Palestinian journalists have been arrested since July 31, according to news report. (Reuters/Mussa Qawasma)

Israeli forces arrest at least 7 Palestinian journalists in West Bank

Beirut, August 7, 2018–The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemned the arrest of at least seven Palestinian journalists in the West Bank since July 30 and called on Israeli authorities to immediately disclose charges against them or set them free.

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