Ahmed Maher

3 results arranged by date


CPJ alarmed by disappearance of Yemeni journalist Naseh Shaker

New York, December 1, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply alarmed by the disappearance of Yemeni journalist Naseh Shaker and calls on the Southern Transitional Council (STC), the de facto authority in southern Yemen, to disclose his whereabouts. Shaker was last heard from on November 19, when he spoke to his mother at around…

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Two French journalists flee Yemeni island of Socotra after questioning, house arrest

On May 28, 2023, five armed soldiers and three police chiefs on the Yemeni island of Socotra arrested freelance journalist Quentin Müller and Sylvain Mercadier, co-founder and director of the independent Iraqi news website The Red Line, at their apartment, according to tweets by Müller and Mercadier, who communicated with CPJ via email. The authorities…

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Security forces in Aden detain Yemeni journalist Ahmed Maher 

Update: On May 28, 2024, the Aden-based Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) sentenced journalist Ahmad Maher to four years in prison on charges of spreading false information, misleading news, and forging identity documents. Maher spent almost two years in detention before his sentencing.  New York, August 16, 2022 – Yemeni forces affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council should immediately release freelance…

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