ACOS Alliance

5 results arranged by date

Students clash with police during protests in Managua on April 19, over planned reforms to Nicaragua's social security system. (Reuters/Oswaldo Rivas)

CPJ Safety Advisory: Covering protests in Nicaragua

Demonstrations began in Nicaragua on April 18, as thousands of civilians in several cities protested changes to the country’s social security system, according to reports. At least three people, including a protester and a police officer, were killed in clashes, The Associated Press reported.

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A child looks at a U.S. soldier in Mosul, November 17, 2008 (AP/Petros Giannakouris)

CPJ Safety Advisory: The Mosul offensive and psychological injury

The military campaign to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from the Islamic State (IS) group, known as the Mosul offensive, has resumed with Iraqi forces engaged in a second phase attempting to take further neighborhoods in eastern parts of the city. A number of journalists, freelancers and staffers, remain in Northern Iraq and travel…

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CPJ welcomes UN Human Rights resolution on releasing jailed journalists, right to encryption

Washington, September 29, 2016–The United Nations Human Rights Council’s annual resolution on journalist safety for the first time urges all states to release arbitrarily detained journalists. The resolution, co-sponsored by 87 countries and adopted today in Geneva, raises new concerns about mounting attacks on journalists during elections and calls for states to protect the confidentiality…

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Journalist groups urge Kerry to make good on media safety pledges

The Islamic State beheadings of journalists shook up the media industry. The safety of reporters generally and conditions for freelancers in particular became a news story. Politicians responded.

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Call for Secretary Kerry to support journalist safety measures

Dear Secretary Kerry: Your support for press freedom and journalist safety is welcome and can play an important role in helping to protect journalists around the world. There are specific actions that you could take that would ensure the agenda you launched last year continues and leaves a lasting legacy.

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