10 results arranged by date

Luís Roberto Barroso, president of the Brazilian Supreme Court, listens to proceedings on May 22, when the court recognized the judicial harassment of journalists.

Brazil’s top court acts to protect journalists from judicial harassment

São Paulo, May 24, 2024—A decision by Brazil’s top court to recognize the judicial harassment of journalists and to introduce procedures to help prevent courts being misused to intimidate and silence the media is a welcome move towards safeguarding press freedom, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On May 22, the Supreme Court unanimously…

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At least 40 journalists targeted amid Brazil capital riot and aftermath

Rio de Janeiro, January 13, 2023 – Brazilian authorities must investigate all attacks on journalists covering the January 8 riots at the country’s capital and their aftermath, and adopt concrete measures to protect members of the press and reduce widespread hostility against the media, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On January 8, thousands…

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Brazilian journalist Daniel Carniel punched, kicked in Adesso TV office entrance

Rio de Janeiro, January 19, 2022 — Brazilian authorities must swiftly and thoroughly investigate the assault on journalist Daniel Carniel and ensure he can report safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. At 12:47 p.m. on January 14, an unidentified man punched and kicked Carniel several times in his face and body at the…

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Brazil's new president, Jair Bolsonaro, right, talks to the press in Brasília on November 27. Journalists in Brazil say they expect the hostile climate experienced during the election to continue as Bolsonaro takes office. (AFP/Evaristo Sa)

Ahead of inauguration day, Brazilian media braces for Bolsonaro

Long before one of their photographers was harassed on election night in Brazil, the editors at Fortaleza newspaper O Povo were meeting with their readers and staff to discuss the increasingly polarized environment and how to deal with it.

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A protester takes cover as police throw tear gas during protests in August over the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff. Journalists have been caught in the crossfire of Brazil's political unrest. (AP/Andre Penner)

In Brazil, journalists face injury from violent protests and accusations of bias

Felipe Souza was covering an anti-government protest in São Paulo earlier this month when a line of riot police advanced toward him.

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Brazilian journalists injured while covering protests

São Paulo, May 1, 2015–At least five Brazilian journalists were injured while covering clashes on Wednesday between police and striking teachers in the southern state of Paraná, according to news reports and local journalists. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the attacks and calls on Brazilian authorities to ensure the perpetrators are held responsible.

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Violence and Judicial Censorship Mar Brazil’s Horizon

The Brazilian government’s concern for the safety of an American journalist stands in contrast to a dismal performance protecting its own reporters. By Carlos Lauría Demonstrators clash with riot policemen during a protest in Rio de Janeiro’s on June 17, 2013, against the billions of dollars spent preparing for soccer’s World Cup and against an…

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Brazilian journalists detained while covering protest

New York, June 13, 2013–At least three Brazilian journalists were detained by military police while covering a protest on Tuesday, with one still in custody, according to news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Brazilian authorities to allow journalists to be able to work freely without fear of harassment.

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Carlos Lauría, left, and Mauri König meet Brazil's chief justice, Joaquim Barbosa, on Wednesday as part of a CPJ mission to Brazil. (Supreme Federal Tribunal)

Brazil officials back OAS human rights system

“Leave me in peace. Wallow in your garbage,” Brazilian Chief Justice Joaquim Barbosa said in a rage when a reporter with one of the leading national newspapers, O Estado de Sao Paulo, tried to ask him a question Tuesday at a meeting of the National Council of Justice in Brasilia, the capital. Stunned by Barbosa’s…

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The Rocinha neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. Such neighborhoods, or favelas, have been risky for reporters. (AP/Felipe Dana)

Bossa Nova’s home and Olympics host is risky for press

The jagged mountains ringing Rio de Janeiro descend to a temperate valley with two storied beaches on the Atlantic. Here is the city that gave the world a new, eclectic musical beat with the Bossa Nova, the South American jewel that will host the summer Olympic Games in 2016. Yet Rio has also been the…

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