
570 results

Burma’s Irrawaddy threatened, hit by cyberattacks

Bangkok, October 3, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns recent threats and cyberattacks against The Irrawaddy, an independent media group dedicated to Burma news and analysis.

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News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, September 2014

Prominent support for #RightToReport in the Digital Age More than 2,800 people including prominent journalists Christiane Amanpour, Glenn Greenwald, and Alan Rusbridger have already signed on to CPJ’s new campaign Right to Report in the Digital Age.

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Undercover in Vietnam: Room for debate frees up but bloggers remain imprisoned

In the final part of CPJ’s “Undercover in Vietnam” series on press freedom in Vietnam, Southeast Asia Representative Shawn Crispin reveals how prominent blogger Nguyen Van Hai remains behind bars for his critical writing despite the margin for debate opening. The series concludes with recommendations for the Vietnamese government and international bodies. Incarcerated for the…

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Undercover in Vietnam: Exile is high price reporters pay for press freedom

In the third of CPJ’s four-part “Undercover in Vietnam” series on press freedom in Vietnam, CPJ Southeast Asia Representative Shawn Crispin interviews a reporter living in exile after challenging the censorship imposed in newsrooms. The final part, to be published Tuesday, reveals how prominent bloggers remain behind bars despite the margin for critical debate opening.…

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Undercover in Vietnam: Reporters become martyrs for their paper’s cause

In the second of CPJ’s four-part “Undercover in Vietnam” series on press freedom in Vietnam, CPJ Southeast Asia Representative Shawn Crispin reveals the persecution faced by Redemptorist News journalists, who have been jailed, harassed, and had their passports revoked for reporting on human rights. In part three, due to be published Monday, Crispin interviews a…

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Undercover in Vietnam: Bloggers play risky game of cat-and-mouse to report

In the first of a four-part “Undercover in Vietnam” series on press freedom in Vietnam, CPJ Southeast Asia Representative Shawn Crispin explores the risks bloggers take so they can cover news events and protests. Under near-constant surveillance and with the threat of arbitrary detention hanging over them, the desire for an independent press drives Vietnam’s…

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Malaysian journalist detained, threatened with sedition

Bangkok, September 10, 2014–Authorities in Malaysia should halt their investigation into Malaysiakini reporter Susan Loone who could face sedition charges in connection with a critical article she published in early September, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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In a growing clampdown, three editors detained in Burma

Bangkok, July 23, 2014–Burmese authorities should drop national security-related charges brought against journalists and staff members of the Bi Mon Te Nay (Bi-Midday Sun) news journal, and release them from pre-trial detention immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Thai junta expands media controls

Bangkok, July 21, 2014–In a mounting clampdown on press, Internet, and social media freedoms, a new military directive in Thailand has barred any critical reporting or commentary about the ruling National Council for Peace and Order junta. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls for an immediate reversal of the freedom-curbing edict and all other measures…

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Radio journalist killed in the Philippines

Bangkok, June 10, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Filipino authorities to determine the motive in the murder on Monday of radio journalist Nilo Baculo Sr. and bring the assailants swiftly to justice.

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