azimjon askarov

132 results

Attacks on the Press: Prison Census 2012: A Worldwide Roundup

Worldwide tally reaches highest point since CPJ began surveys in 1990. Governments use charges of terrorism, other anti-state offenses to silence critical voices. Turkey is the world’s worst jailer. A CPJ special report

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Attacks on the Press: The Power of the Ordinary

Who is allowed to talk? What are they allowed to say? Award winners seek the answers. By Kristin Jones

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Jailed Tibetan filmmaker shifted to better conditions

Some news which appears to be good from China, and some that isn’t: Tibetan filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen has been moved to a women’s prison where conditions are not as harsh, according to his friends and associates at the Switzerland based group Filming for Tibet. They say that Wangchen has been transferred to the Qinghai Provincial…

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, December 2012 2012: A year of reporting dangerously Over the past several months, we documented in CPJ Impact violations of press freedom around the world and the efforts we made to combat them. This edition features highlights from 2012, when CPJ stepped in and advocated for journalists and…

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Journalists in prison reach record high: Turkey, Iran, and China among leading jailers

New York, December 11, 2012–The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide reached a record high this year, a trend driven primarily by terrorism and other anti-state charges levied against critical reporters and editors, according to a new report by the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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Number of jailed journalists sets global record

Worldwide tally reaches highest point since CPJ began surveys in 1990. Governments use charges of terrorism, other anti-state offenses to silence critical voices. Turkey is the world’s worst jailer. A CPJ special report

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2012 prison census: 232 journalists jailed worldwide

232 journalists jailed worldwide As of December 1, 2012 Analysis: A record high | Video: Free the press | Audio: From a Cuban prisonCPJ Blog: Turkey’s path forward | Rwanda’s injustice

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, November 2012 Journalists honored at IPFA Thanks to David Boies, chairman of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, who chaired CPJ’s 2012 International Press Freedom Awards dinner on November 20, the organization raised a record-breaking $1.57 million to support persecuted journalists. The nearly 900 distinguished guests at the event…

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Mauri König (Michael Nagle/Getty Images for CPJ)

Awardees say indignation trumps intimidation

The battle for a free press sometimes feels like a war between indignation and intimidation. Journalists learn of abuses of power, crime, or corruption, and–indignant–they speak out. In response, the perpetrators of those abuses–be they government officials or criminals–try to intimidate the journalists into silence with threats, lawsuits, jail, or even murder. Last night, the…

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Honoring tenacious reporting in defiance of violence and repression

New York, November 21, 2012–Four fearless journalists from Brazil, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Liberia were honored Tuesday evening at the Committee to Protect Journalists’ 22nd International Press Freedom Awards benefit dinner, an annual recognition of courageous journalism, hosted by PBS senior correspondent Gwen Ifill.

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