azimjon askarov

132 results

2015 prison census: 199 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2015 Analysis: China, Egypt imprison record numbers of journalists Blog: None jailed in Americas | Blog: Q&A with Vietnam’s Ta Phong Tan

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CPJ urges Kerry to call for release of imprisoned journalists in Central Asia

Dear U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry: The Committee to Protect Journalists is writing to bring to your attention the deteriorating climate for press freedom in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. As you prepare to head to these countries later this week, we ask that you put press freedom on the agenda of your meetings with high-level government officials.

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In Kyrgyzstan, U.S. journalist deported, his sources harassed

New York, March 30, 2015–The Committee to Protect Journalists denounces the deportation from Kyrgyzstan on Saturday of American freelancer Umar Farooq, who was detained and interrogated by Kyrgyz security services last week, according to news reports.

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2014 prison census: 221 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2014 Analysis: Global tally second worst on record Blog: In China, mainstream media as well as dissidents under increasing pressure

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News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, July 2014

CPJ conducts fact-finding mission in Ukraine Muzaffar Suleymanov, CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia Research Associate, traveled to Kiev on July 6 on a week-long fact-finding mission and spoke to more than a dozen local and international journalists about press freedom conditions in the country. Suleymanov also met with journalists who had covered or were covering…

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UN reviews Kyrgyzstan’s human rights, free press record

Today, the U.N. Human Rights Committee begins its two-day review of Kyrgyzstan’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. By ratifying the treaty in October 1994, Kyrgyz authorities pledged to enforce internationally recognized provisions regarding the protection of human rights, and freedom of expression, in their country. But CPJ research shows that…

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Attacks on the Press in 2013: Kyrgyzstan

While President Almazbek Atambayev urged the state council in March to enforce rule of law and guarantee the protection of human rights, he demonstrated little political will to bring about such changes. Authorities showed no intent to revive the Uzbek-language media that thrived in southern Kyrgyzstan prior to the June 2010 conflict, in which clashes…

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2013 prison census: 211 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2013 Analysis: Second worst year on record | CPJ Blog: Turkey worst jailer once more

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The guide Jennifer Lopez should have read before she sang in Turkmenistan

After Jennifer Lopez performed at an event in Turkmenistan on Saturday night, the Guardian created a guide to the “-stans” so “no pop star need be caught out by accidentally singing happy birthday to a despotic ruler in this region ever again.” The guide points to the fact that Uzbekistan was sixth on CPJ’s list…

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Attacks on the Press in 2012: Europe & Central Asia

Analyses and data track press freedom conditions. Elisabeth Witchel recounts a mother’s anguished pursuit of justice in Russia. Nina Ognianova and Kristin Jones examine the implications of repressive nations hosting the Olympics. And Jean-Paul Marthoz reveals the censorship imposed by religious extremists.

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