
1345 results


YELENA MASYUK, correspondent for NTV, captured the world’s attention when she was kidnapped by Chechen armed rebels May 10 and held, along with her two crew members, for 100 days in harsh, inhumane conditions, most of the time in damp mountain caves. She had covered the Chechen war in 1994 for NTV and had endeavored…

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Argentina Outraged Over Journalist’s Murder

For most of the U.S. media, there was only one “South America story” last winter and well into the spring: the four-month stand-off in Lima between the hostage-holding Tupac Amaru guerrillas and the government of Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori. The media’s focus on Peru obscured an important story that galvanized public opinion in another major…

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CPJ and the World

The publication in March of CPJ’s Attacks on the Press in 1996 was the culmination of months of intense preparation by CPJ staff, investigating and verifying more than 1,000 documented cases of violations of press freedom worldwide. The 376-page volume, edited by Publications Director Alice Chasan, is the longest and most comprehensive of CPJ’s annual…

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As Kidnappings Mount, Chechen Government Puts New Restrictions On Journalists

Faced with a mounting toll of Russian journalists’ abductions, the new Chechen government has heavily restricted reporters’ movements. The May kidnapping of independent Russian NTV’s prominent war reporter Yelena Masyuk and two crew members was the latest in a string of kidnappings, possibly related to the intention of some Chechen factions to derail the 1996…

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Around the world: A regional look at the state of press freedom in 1995

Africa For the third consecutive year, Ethiopia held more journalists in jail–31 at year’s end–than any other country in Africa. Most were detained without charges.

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