Nguyen Van Hai

153 results

Vietnam’s press freedom shrinks despite open economy

Vietnamese officials are stepping up repression of old and new media even as they promote an image of an open, globalized economy. Intense surveillance and imprisonment of critical journalists, coupled with increasingly restrictive laws, are choking the flow of information. A CPJ special report by Shawn W. Crispin

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Vietnamese journalist jailed for undercover bribery

New York, September 7, 2012–A Vietnamese journalist who bribed a police officer during an undercover investigation to expose corruption was sentenced today to four years in prison, according to local and international news reports.

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Two Vietnamese bloggers given prison sentences

Bangkok, August 17, 2012–Harsh prison sentences handed down recently to two independent Vietnamese bloggers represent the latest official abuses in a widening crackdown on Internet freedoms in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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A journalist was charged with anti-government propaganda after he reported on protests against the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay, above. (AFP/Olivier Morin)

Three Vietnamese journalists given antistate charges

New York, April 16, 2012–Vietnamese authorities have brought anti-government charges against three journalists who have languished in prison for several months, news reports said on Sunday.

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Attacks on the Press in 2011: Vietnam

Vietnam intensified a media crackdown targeting online journalists and bloggers, reasserting the government’s near-total control of domestic news media. Authorities arrested and detained five bloggers and contributors to online news publications, bringing to nine the number of journalists behind bars. Political bloggers Pham Minh Hoang and Vi Duc Hoi were both given harsh prison sentences…

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French-Vietnamese blogger Pham Minh Hoang was released from prison on Friday. (AFP)

Vietnam releases journalist, nine others still jailed

Bangkok, January 17, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release from prison of French-Vietnamese blogger Pham Minh Hoang and calls on Vietnam’s Communist Party-led government to remove the continuing restrictions on him and free the nine other journalists still behind bars.

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2011 prison census: 179 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2011    |   » Read the accompanying report, “Journalist imprisonments jump worldwide, and Iran is worst”

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Vietnamese blogger handed harsh prison sentence

Bangkok, August 11, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the prison sentence handed down on Wednesday to French-Vietnamese blogger Pham Minh Hoang and joins international calls for the dual national’s immediate and unconditional release.

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Journalists detained, released in Vietnam clampdown

Bangkok, July 11, 2011–Authorities must stop harassing journalists reporting on public demonstrations in Vietnam, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On Sunday, police detained and interrogated three reporters who were covering anti-China protests in Hanoi where around a dozen demonstrators were arrested.    

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Vietnam

Top Developments • In run-up to Communist Party Congress, authorities clamp down on Internet. • Critical blogs targeted in hacking attacks; government complicity seen. Key Statistic 5: Online journalists imprisoned on December 1, reflecting crackdown on Internet commentary. Vietnam targeted online journalists in a clampdown on dissent ahead of a 2011 Communist Party Congress at…

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