Eynulla Fatullayev

100 results

CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, June 2011 CPJ welcomes new leadershipSandra Mims Rowe, a distinguished editor with a record of journalistic and civic leadership, has been elected chairman of CPJ. Rowe succeeds Paul Steiger, president and editor-in-chief of ProPublica. Steiger served as CPJ chairman since 2005.”We are immensely grateful to Paul Steiger for his untiring…

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Ilham Aliyev (AP)

CPJ presses slow, cautious Council of Europe on Azerbaijan

Strasbourg prides itself on being the “European capital of human rights.” The historic French city, located on the border with Germany, is home to the Council of Europe (CoE), a 47-member institution focused on the promotion of democracy and the rule of law. It is also the seat of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR),…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Introduction

International Institutions Fail To Defend Press Freedom by Joel Simon UNESCO is the primary entity within the United Nations dedicated to the defense of press freedom. Yet in 2010, journalism and human rights organizations were forced to launch an international campaign to stop UNESCO from presenting a prize honoring one of Africa’s most notorious press…

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Is President Aliyev a friend of journalists? Ask the journalists jailed and harassed in his country. (AP)

With friends like this … Aliyev gets Azerbaijani ‘award’

Life is full of surprises. In Eurasia, authoritarian leaders and their entourages like to pull them out around the holidays. What made my eyes open wide this season was a news report from Azerbaijan, dated December 29. The Baku-based Trend news agency said President Ilham Aliyev had been given the “Journalists’ Friend Award” by the…

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2010 prison census: 145 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2010    |   » Read the accompanying report: “IRAN, CHINA DRIVE PRISON TALLY TO 14-YEAR HIGH”

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Iran, China drive prison tally to 14-year high

Relying heavily on vague antistate charges, authorities jail 145 journalists worldwide. Eritrea, Burma, and Uzbekistan are also among the worst jailers of the press. A CPJ special report

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Five of 17 journalists released from Cuban prisons give a press conference on their arrival in Madrid in July. They have since told CPJ they suffered torture in jail. (AP/Paul White)

With 145 journalists behind bars, what’s in a number?

Today we released our annual census of imprisoned journalists around the world, citing 145 reporters, editors, and photojournalists behind bars on December 1, an increase of nine from 2009 figures. The tally begs the question, What’s in a number?

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CPJ testimony: Threats to free media in the OSCE region

Kazakhstan, the current chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, has failed to live up to its press freedom commitments, CPJ’s Muzaffar Suleymanov told the Congressional Helsinki Commission in Washington today.

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Ten Journalist Murder Cases to Solve

CPJ challenges authorities in 10 nations to bring justice and reverse culture of impunity New York, April 29, 2010—In the Philippines, political clan members slaughter more than 30 news media workers and dump their bodies in mass graves. In Sri Lanka, a prominent editor who has criticized authorities is so sure of retaliation that he…

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, April 2010 More than 3,500 petition Iran to free journalists, writersAs the leading sponsor of “Our Society Will Be a Free Society,” a joint campaign with 15 other human rights organizations seeking the release of dozens of jailed journalists in Iran, CPJ helped gather more than 3,500 signatures on a…

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