
1545 results

MP Ihiro Ozawa addresses a FPAJ press conference. (Michiyoshi Hatakeyama)

Following disaster, Free Press Association of Japan launches

After the huge catastrophe that hit Japan this March, the country is in need of a freer media culture. A less restricted media would allow more people access to information at press conferences. In the name of this aim, in April 25, a group of Japanese freelance journalists launched a new organization called the Free Press Association of…

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The 10 Tools of Online Oppressors

The world’s worst online oppressors are using an array of tactics, some reflecting astonishing levels of sophistication, others reminiscent of old-school techniques. From China’s high-level malware attacks to Syria’s brute-force imprisonments, this may be only the dawn of online oppression. A CPJ special report by Danny O’Brien

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Andrzej Poczobut (AP)

Belarus jails prominent journalist and adds new charge

New York, April 12, 2011–Belarusian authorities must drop politicized libel and insult charges against Andrzej Poczobut, a Grodno-based correspondent for Poland’s largest daily, Gazeta Wyborcza, and release him immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Lynsey Addario said at Columbia University that her ordeal was no worse than her male colleagues'. (Rebecca Castillo)

Q&A: NYT’s Lynsey Addario on Libya sexual assault

New York Times photographer Lynsey Addario is speaking publicly about sexual aggression she experienced while detained in Libya last month by forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi. Addario was held for six days with Times colleagues Anthony Shadid, Stephen Farrell, and Tyler Hicks, all of whom were subjected to physical abuse. In this interview with CPJ,…

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Ali Moindjié in his newsroom. (Abidina Mschinda)

Two Comoros journalists charged over presidential coverage

New York, March 14, 2011–Two Comorian journalists charged today with “publishing false news” in their coverage of the formal handover of power between President Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi and President-elect Ikililou Dhoinine could face up to six months in prison if convicted, according to local journalists and news reports.

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Military forces rounded up journalists in Baghdad's Tahrir Square, seen here today. (AP/Karim Kadim)

Iraq cracks down on media; violations in Yemen, Libya

New York, February 25, 2011–The Committee to protect Journalists documented additional attacks today in Iraq, Yemen, and Libya as journalists tried to cover anti-government protests. Iraqi authorities cracked down on media: Security forces stormed a satellite TV office, detained dozens of journalists, and confiscated equipment, according to local journalists and news reports. In Yemen, at…

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CPJ Impact

News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, February 2011 CPJ’s Attacks on the Press launched Global and regional institutions with a responsibility to guard press freedom are largely failing to fulfill their mandate as journalists worldwide continue to face threats, imprisonment, intimidation, and killings, according to Attacks on the Press, a yearly survey released on…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Internet Analysis

Exposing the Internet’s shadowy assailants by Danny O’Brien For the past decade, those who used the Internet to report the news might have assumed that the technological edge was in their favor. But online journalists now face more than just the standard risks to those working in dangerous conditions. They find themselves victims of new…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Asia Analysis

Partisan Journalism and the Cycle of Repression by Bob Dietz and Shawn W. Crispin Lal Wickramatunga’s family and publishing house, Leader Publications, have paid dearly in Sri Lanka’s highly charged political climate. While Leader’s newspapers, including the weekly Sunday Leader, are widely known for tough, independent reporting, they have been caught up in a partisan…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Burma

Top Developments • Junta bars foreign reporters, censors speech prior to national election. • Aung San Suu Kyi freed, but government still jails journalists, critics. Key Statistic 13: Journalists imprisoned as of December 1, the fourth‐highest figure in the world. After nearly five decades of uninterrupted military rule, Burma moved toward an uncertain new era…

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