
1545 results

Attacks on the Press 2010: Nepal

Top Developments • Three media owners slain. Kantipur group faces threats, obstruction. • Maoist cadres burn copies of two Kathmandu newspapers. Key Statistic 7th: Ranking on CPJ’s Impunity Index, reflecting one of the world’s worst records in solving press murders. The repeated failure to elect a leader cast doubt on the success of Nepal’s transition…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Asia Developments

ATTACKS ON THE PRESS: 2010 • Main Index ASIA Regional Analysis: • Partisan Journalism And the Cycle of Repression Country Summaries • Afghanistan • Burma • China • Indonesia • Nepal • Pakistan • Philippines • Sri Lanka • Thailand • Vietnam • Other nations BANGLADESH An unidentified man threatened photojournalist Shahidul Alam on March…

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Attacks on the Press 2010: Middle East and North Africa Developments

ATTACKS ON THE PRESS: 2010 • Main Index Middle East and North Africa: • Suppression Under the Cover of National Security Country Summaries • Egypt • Iran • Iraq • Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory • Lebanon • Morocco • Sudan • Tunisia • Turkey • Yemen • Other nations ALGERIA In September, police…

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Mauritius no heaven for news media

American author Mark Twain once quoted a Mauritian as saying that heaven was copied after this Indian Ocean island paradise. Mauritius is cited today as one of the few havens of press freedom in Africa, but for Raj Meetarbhan, left, editor-in-chief of the island’s largest newspaper L’Express, the country is fast losing its glow.Meetarbhan was…

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In Kashmir, Tehelka takes on press freedom abuses

The latest issue of India’s Tehelka weekly magazine carries some great reporting on press freedom issues, an effort supported by CPJ and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The article, by Pragya Tiwari, includes many examples of journalists being harassed and assaulted while reporting on clashes between security and separatist groups in Jammu…

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Plainclothes police chase what Reuters says is unidentified foreign journalist today in Cairo. (Reuters /Goran Tomasevic )

Egypt instigates media blackout, police target journalists

New York, January 28, 2011–Egyptian authorities have taken unprecedented measures to block media coverage of widespread protests against the government, which are on their fourth day. CPJ condemns Cairo’s news blackout and calls for authorities to immediately restore Internet and mobile phone services, end the targeting of the press, and allow media to conduct their work…

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As bombings spread, Pakistan deadliest nation

At least 42 journalists are killed in 2010 as two trends emerge. Suicide attacks and violent street protests cause an unusually high proportion of deaths. And online journalists are increasingly prominent among the victims. A CPJ special report

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In Pakistan, local news has global, dangerous implications

As CPJ reports today, eight of the 42 journalists killed this year were on the job in Pakistan. It’s accurate to say the Pakistani victims were like most journalists killed worldwide: They were local journalists covering stories in their communities. But with Pakistan’s political and sectarian unrest aggravated by a decade-long war in neighboring Afghanistan,…

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2010 prison census: 145 journalists jailed worldwide

As of December 1, 2010    |   » Read the accompanying report: “IRAN, CHINA DRIVE PRISON TALLY TO 14-YEAR HIGH”

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J.S. Tissainayagam Award Acceptance Speech

J.S. Tissainayagam Acceptance Speech CPJ 2010 International Press Freedom Awards Dinner November 23, 2010 Waldorf Astoria, New York Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for being late – late by one year that is, to collect my award. Late or not however, it is great honor to be here in New York this evening among you….

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