Syria / Middle East & North Africa


Security forces in northern Syria detain 2 journalists

Washington, D.C., February 10, 2022 – Kurdish security forces in northern Syria should immediately release journalists Sabri Fakhri and Bawar Malla Ahmad, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Saturday, February 5, soldiers affiliated with the Democratic Party Union, the political party in power in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria’s regional…

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Northeast Syrian authorities assault Rudaw news crew, suspend network’s licenses

Washington, D.C., February 9, 2022 – Northeast Syrian authorities must reverse their suspension of Rudaw Media Network’s broadcast license and the license of all their employees, stop attacks and harassment of its staff, and allow all journalists to work freely and safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On February 2, Asayish security forces…

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Syrian journalist Amer Matar on facing his torturer in court

Syrian journalist Amer Matar was regularly blindfolded, handcuffed, and beaten with cables, whips, and fists during the eight months he was held in a Syrian prison. When a German court sentenced one of his torturers – Syrian army colonel Anwar Raslan – to life in prison earlier this month, Matar finally felt that at least…

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In Middle East and North Africa, a drop in attacks on journalists belies dire state of press freedom

The Middle East and North Africa region has long been especially dangerous for journalists. The Committee to Protect Journalists’ research has found that one out of every three reporters killed worldwide in retaliation for their work since 1992 — 477 out of 1,422, or 33.5% – were located in the region. That proportion rose to…

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Killers of journalists still get away with murder

No one has been held to account in 81% of journalist murders during the last 10 years, CPJ’s 2021 Global Impunity Index has found. By Jennifer Dunham/CPJ Deputy Editorial Director Published October 28, 2021 Somalia remains the world’s worst country for unsolved killings of journalists, according to CPJ’s annual Global Impunity Index, which spotlights countries…

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Syrian journalists fear for their lives despite the end of the siege of Daraa al-Balad

On September 9, the Syrian Army and its allies lifted their two-and-a half-month siege of the district of Daraa al-Balad in southern Syria under a Russian-brokered ceasefire with local rebels.  The deal is the latest chapter in the long saga of the district, a cradle of the 2011 revolution that was recaptured by Syrian Army…

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‘Be patient and prevent despair’: An exiled Syrian journalist’s advice for fleeing Afghan reporters

Syrian journalist Okba Mohammad was 20 years old when he arrived in Spain after fleeing the Syrian civil war with CPJ’s help in May 2019. “I felt that everything around me was strange: the people, the country, religion, culture,” he told CPJ in a recent interview via messaging app. But he also felt a sense…

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Journalists attacked throughout northeastern Syria, 2 remain in detention

New York, July 23, 2021 – All parties in northern Syria must do their utmost to ensure that members of the press can work safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since July 16, unidentified attackers and Syrian Kurdish security forces have attacked and detained at least five members of the press throughout areas…

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Syrian security forces arrest journalist Bassam Safar at Damascus checkpoint

New York, June 30, 2021 – Syrian authorities should disclose their rationale for arresting journalist Bassam Safar, as well as the location where he is being held, or else release him immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On June 24, Syrian government security forces arrested Safar, an editor on cultural topics for the…

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Syrian Kurdish security forces detain fixer Kamiran Sadoun overnight in Raqqa

On June 16, 2021, officers with the Syrian Democratic Forces’ General Security agency detained Kamiran Sadoun, a fixer for international journalists, for several hours in a jail in the city of Raqqa, according to the journalist, who spoke to CPJ via messaging app, and a statement by the local press freedom group the Syrian Kurdish…

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