In the News


Journalist jailed in Ethi­o­pia is championed in D.C., abroad

In July, CPJ condemned the 18-year sentence of Eskinder Nega, promiment Ethiopian blogger, who was convicted over critical articles he had written.In reporting worldwide appeals for Eskinder’s sentence, The Washington Post speaks to Eskinder’s supporters and advocates, including CPJ’s Africa Program Coordinator, Mohamed Keita.Click here for the full story

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Reporting truth a high-risk profession

CPJ Deputy Director, Rob Mahoney, testified before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in Washington on worldwide attacks against press freedom this week.  His testimony, which highlighted press freedom violations in Honduras, Russia, and Turkey, also addressed the increasing number of local journalists targeted for their reporting.The Epoch Times reports on Mahoney’s testimony and the testimonies of other…

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Sri Lankan journalists protest against state media suppression

For many Sri Lanka journalists, threats delivered by phone, text, or word of mouth are frequent. The latest threat, CPJ found, came from Sri Lanka’s defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa who threatened a journalist for inquiring on his alleged abuse of power.    With a mention of CPJ’s research on Sri Lanka, the Guardian reports on the…

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Editor responds to verbal attack by Ecuador President

In June, CPJ condemned verbal attacks made by Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa on an editor, Gustavo Cortez, of the country’s daily El Universo.  During a visit to CPJ, Cortez spoke about the implications of Correa’s remarks to his safety and to freedom expression in Ecuador.  The Huffington Post recounts the visit in the World section of its site.   Click here for…

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Dangerous Journalism: Where is it most risky to report?

Applying strict journalistic standards, CPJ has been compiling data on journalist deaths since 1992.  The data provides the motive of deaths, beats covered by the victims, as well as narrative capsules of the journalists killed.  National Geographic covers the risk journalists face and employs CPJ’s statistical analyses in the piece.  Click here for the full story

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End the assault on female and local journalists

CPJ recently reported on the sexual assault of independent journalist, Natasha Smith, in Egypt’s Tahrir Square.  In an opinion piece for Reuters, columnist David Rhodes, calls for an end to the sexual violence against female journalists, with reference to CPJ’s research.  He also writes on the high number of local and international journalists killed in Syria and quotes CPJ Executive Director,…

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Ethiopian blogger convicted of plotting with rebels

According to CPJ research, Ethiopia is the second leading jailer of journalists in Africa, currently holding seven journalists behind bars.  CPJ and the Africa Media Initiative met with Ethiopia’s senior communications minister in an effort to advocate for the release of jailed journalists, including prominent blogger Eskinder Nega, under the country’s anti-terrorism law.    Found guilty on June 27,…

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Egyptian journalist fined for libel

CPJ reported on an Egyptian journalist fined for defamation this past week and The Guardian Greenslade blog used CPJ’s research to source the site’s entry on this defamation case. Click here for the full story

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CPJ calls for release of jailed reporters in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the second leading jailer of journalists, according to CPJ research.  This month, CPJ and Africa Media Initiative met with Ethiopia’s senior communications official to discuss the country’s press freedom record and review laws affecting freedom of speech.  Voice of America reported on this visit and spoke to CPJ’s East Africa Consultant, Tom Rhodes.…

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When freedom of the press is not a priority

In an interview with National Public Radio’s On the Media, CPJ Africa Advocacy Coordinator Mohamed Keita, reiterates the development strides African nations are making at the expense of press freedom.  Keita’s interview, which stems from his 2011 Attacks on the Press essay and recent op-ed in the New York Times, details contributing factors to press restrictions throughout the continent of…

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