

Olympics-Chinese Media Watch: Fading memories of a recent disaster

With the Olympics preparations crowding the headlines, news related to the deadly May earthquake in Sichuan province has faded. There is still plenty to report, including the recovery effort and the bitter resentment of grieving parents who believe that faulty construction played a role in their children’s deaths. But a search of recent Chinese news on the quake…

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Olympics-Chinese Media Watch: Checkpoints at Tiananmen and online

Chinese President Hu Jintao yesterday stressed the importance of a secure Olympics, calling the responsibility as heavy as Mount Tai. But while Chinese media today reported on the new checkpoints guarding access to Tiananmen Square, no mention was made of a security measure on the minds of many visiting journalists. Olympic officials today admitted that…

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Olympics-Chinese Media Watch: Silence on human rights, pollution reassurances

A report on human rights violations in China is being ignored in the government-controlled media. Human rights organization Amnesty International reported that China has failed to keep Olympic-related promises regarding the treatment of its citizens. The report highlights China’s high number of death penalty cases. Neither central nor provincial media cover the report today. But a handful of bloggers do.…

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Chinese Media Watch begins today

We begin our Olympic coverage today with the first installment of CPJ’s Chinese Media Watch. CPJ consultant Kristin Jones will analyze news coverage in China each weekday until the Games conclude. Jones will assess the level to which the Chinese media are able to freely report the news, and the amount of government censorship being…

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Olympics-Chinese Media Watch: Local journalists report bus explosion

Local Chinese journalists beat central government media to the scene of another bus explosion in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. Today’s explosion followed bus bomb blasts that killed two people in Kunming last week. Expect the official Xinhua News Agency to take over from here. Chinese officials have played down claims of responsibility for…

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