Cuba / Americas


For bloggers, Cuba remains a dark corner

Another year has passed and we are now remembering the seventh anniversary of the Black Spring. After seven years, have there been any changes? Yes and no. Law 88, a provision calling for the protection of Cuba’s national independence, is still in force. Known as the gag law, it is used to silence Cuban citizens,…

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Jailed Cuban journalists need global support

There are those who say that time will ease the pain. But such a claim cannot withstand the human drama emerging from the prisons where 22 Cuban journalists remain jailed.

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Yoani Sánchez at home in Cuba. (Reuters)

Obama responses stun Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez

Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez was astounded this week by President Barack Obama’s decision to respond a written questionnaire Sánchez submitted to the White House. Still recovering from bruises left by a recent vicious attack by state security agents, she told CPJ from her home in Havana: “This is the best way to get better.” 

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Toronto’s Citizen Lab uses forensics to fight online censors

A basement in the gray, Gothic heart of the University of Toronto is home to the CSI of cyberspace. “We are doing free expression forensics,” says Ronald Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab, based at the Munk Centre for International Studies. Deibert and his team of academics and students investigate in real time governments and…

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Yoani Sánchez at home in Cuba. (Reuters)

From a park bench in Havana, Cuban blogger honored in NY

Last night’s scenario was breathtaking: a circular hall with high ceilings, marble columns, tables draped with heavy tablecloths and soft bouquets, and journalism personalities elegant in cocktail dresses and tuxedos. And poised behind a wood podium, a black screen silently reminding all those present of who was not there.

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Luis Cino

To blog in Cuba: defying hazards, enjoying freedom

I share with my fellow Cuban independent journalists the drunkenness of writing freely under a totalitarian dictatorship; of experiencing the catharsis of denouncing the regime’s violations; of feeling useful to my people knowing that, in the long run, what I write will contribute to a better future.

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The alternative Cuban blogosphere

At the end of the 1990s, Cuban dissidents sought out different media to disseminate the reality of the island. Reports on violations by a government that proclaims itself a human rights’ defender begin to circulate around the world, damaging the image that the socialist state wants to project to the rest of the world. This…

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Ricardo González Alfonso is jailed in this Cuban prison. (AP/Jose Goitia)

Hopeless, a sister visits her imprisoned brother in Havana

Graciela González-Degard is 72 years old. She has salt-and-pepper hair, long elegant hands, soft manners reminiscent of another era, and a bad knee that she blames on age. Once a Catholic nun, Graciela moved to the United States from Havana in the 1960s and now lives in New York with her husband. She teaches children…

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Cuban journalist in second week of hunger strike

Cuban dissidents–both on and off the island–have been blasting the news of Víctor Rolando Arroyo’s 12-day hunger strike. In a matter of hours, CPJ received three concerned e-mails from Havana and Miami. In the meantime, foreign-based Cuban news Web sites plastered the story across the Internet. 

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A Cuban blogger confronts ‘silent repression’

Why write a blog? My reasons might not be convincing, but to me, they are enough. The most important paper in my country is Granma, the official organ of the Communist Party in Cuba. You open it, you read it, and you don’t see anything. Nothing about the day that we are living in the…

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