Georgia / Europe & Central Asia


Attacks on the Press 2005: Georgia

GEORGIA Two years after the Rose Revolution toppled the corrupt regime of Eduard Shevardnadze and ushered in the promise of media reform, independent journalists feared the emergence of a new, subtler wave of repression. Several media owners have close ties to political leaders, journalists said, enabling authorities to exert behind-the-scenes pressure on front-line reporters and…

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Of Hate and Genocide

During the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, media outlets linked to the Hutu-backed government helped lay the groundwork for the slaughter of Tutsis by routinely vilifying them. One radio station, Radio Television Libre de Mille Collines (RTLM), went so far as to identify targets for the Hutu militias that carried out most of the killing. In December 2003, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda convicted three Rwandan media executives — two from RTLM and one from a newspaper called Kangura — for their role in the genocide.

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CPJ Update

CPJ UpdateThe Committee to Protect JournalistsJanuary 13, 2006

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Journalists killed in 2005

Death toll is 47 worldwide; Iraq becomes deadliest recent conflict

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Iraq Report: Killed by U.S. Forces

13 Confirmed cases of journalists killed in Iraq by U.S. Forces (March 2003-August 2005)

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Journalists in prison in 2005

China, Cuba, two African nations are top jailers of journalists.Ethiopian crackdown fuels worldwide increase; U.S. is 6th among nations.

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The Hands That Feed

Colombia may be unique in the extent to which its press censors itself in fear of physical reprisals. Powerful economic factors, though hardly exceptional, add yet more pressure.

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In Their Words

The Committee to Protect Journalists interviewed three dozen journalists around the country. Here is a sample of topics they said they’d investigate if not for fear of reprisals.

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Cubans: Direct Line to Readers

Since 1995, when the first independent news agencies emerged in Cuba, dozens of journalists have fled the country to escape harassment, threats, detention, or jail. Many have settled in the United States or Spain, where some continue to work as journalists. Manuel Vázquez Portal, who won CPJ’s 2003 International Press Freedom Award, settled in Miami…

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U.S. sends wrong message to the world

Restrictive regimes around the world came out ahead. Many were already taking a cue from a U.S. case involving the leak of a CIA officer’s name when the Supreme Court announced this week that it would not hear an appeal by two journalists. The reporters, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine and Judith Miller of The New York Times, face 18-month jail terms for not revealing their confidential sources.

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