Europe & Central Asia


Anna Politkovskaya emerges as a woman of humor in a new documentary. (AP)

A personal side to Anna Politkovskaya’s legacy

Internationally renowned for her work, respected for her courage and still mourned by thousands around the world five years after her murder, Anna Politkovsakya has become an iconic symbol in the global human rights struggle. But Sunday night, family, friends, colleagues and others came together to share a more personal picture.

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Press freedom issues may keep Macedonia from EU

The European Union accession process has been hailed as the best tool in the arsenal of democracy promotion. By adhering to the acquis communautaire, the EU’s total body of legislation, and to the Copenhagen criteria that define the democratic nature of the EU, candidate countries are supposed to perfect their political transition before joining “the…

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Sasho Dikov's car was destroyed in the blast. (Reuters)

Television journalist’s car explodes in Bulgaria

New York, October 14, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Thursday’s attack on Sasho Dikov, a Bulgarian journalist with private national television channel Kanal 3, and calls on investigators to apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators.

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Tajik journalist Makhmadyusuf Ismoilov was convicted on insult charges in October, but was released from prison. He is banned from all journalistic work for three years. (RFE/RL Radio Ozodi)

Tajik journalists convicted, released from jail

New York, October 14, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists is relieved by today’s release of two Tajik journalists, but condemns their convictions on extremism and insult, among other charges, and calls for the quashing of the convictions on appeal.

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Tajikistan must release reporters

New York, October 13, 2011–As a court in Tajikistan prepares to issue verdicts in the politicized criminal prosecutions of BBC correspondent Urinboy Usmonov, and Makhmadyusuf Ismoilov, a reporter with the independent weekly Nuri Zindagi, the Committee to Protect Journalists is demanding justice.

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Greek police assault photographers

Greek police attacked some members of the press covering demonstrations in Athens’ Syntagma (Constitution) square this week, injuring at least two members of the media, Reuters reported. Above, a riot policeman punches Greek photojournalist Tatiana Bolari on Wednesday.

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Justice still pending in Politkovskaya murder case

New York, October 7, 2011–Five years after the brutal assassination of Russian investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya, the Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Russian authorities to prosecute the masterminds of her killing and end impunity in the murder of journalists.

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Reporter gets five years in Turkmenistan

New York, October 5, 2011 — The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the sentencing today of Dovletmurad Yazguliyev, a local correspondent for the Turkmen service of the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), to five years in prison on charges of inciting a relative’s suicide attempt.

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Tajik journalist faces 16 years in jail

New York, September 29, 2011–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the ongoing imprisonment of journalist Makhmadyusuf Ismoilov and is dismayed by prosecutors’ call for a hefty prison term on defamation and other charges.

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When a bug fix can save a journalist’s life

One of the most exciting aspects of working on Internet technologies is how quickly the tools you build can spread to millions of users worldwide. It’s a heady experience, one that has occurred time and again here in Silicon Valley. But there’s also responsibility that attaches to that excitement. For every hundred thousand cases in…

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