Farhad Taqaddosi Killed

Press TV | Killed in Kabul, Afghanistan | September 20, 2011

Camera Operator
Beats Covered:
Politics, War
Local or Foreign:
Type of Death:
Suspected Source of Fire:
Political Group

Taqaddosi, a cameraman for Iran's Press TV, died in a Kabul hospital from injuries he suffered in the Taliban's September 13 attack on prominent international buildings in Kabul, the station reported.

In a well-orchestrated series of attacks, Taliban militants struck at the U.S. Embassy, NATO headquarters, and other buildings in central Kabul, news reports said. Seven civilians were killed and 15 wounded, news reports said. Taqaddosi was working at Press TV offices in central Kabul when the attack took place, the Iranian state outlet reported.

Taqaddosi was the 21st journalist to be killed in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S. invasion, CPJ research shows. Fourteen, or two-thirds, of the fatalities were international journalists. Afghanistan is one of the few places in the world where this proportion exists, CPJ research shows. In most countries, even during times of war, local journalists are killed in far greater numbers than foreign journalists.