Susan Forste

China’s jailed e-journalists

Ann Cooper The Seattle Times April 19, 2006 Hu Jintao and Bill Gates will have had a lot to talk about Tuesday, when the Chinese president visited Microsoft’s Redmond campus.

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Perlilous Path for Ethiopian Journalists

Jonathan Katzenellenbogen International Affairs Editor Business Day, South Africa March 29, 2006 NEARLY a year ago Ethiopia was viewed by western donors as reform-minded, progressive, and on a path to growth and political liberalisation. Today it is state of repression and fear.

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Periodistas bajo acoso en Colombia

Gerardo Reyes El Nuevo Herald March 19, 2006 Alos periodistas colombianos no les queda otra posibilidad que ejercer su oficio en puntillas. Están condenados a cubrir la historia de su país con la delicadeza del cazador de minas que trata de no pisar los intereses de quienes podrían ejercer el derecho artillado de la réplica.

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Attacks leave border journalists self-censored by ‘culture of fear’

James Pinkerton Houston Chronicle Feb. 27, 2006 HARLINGEN – Three weeks after gunmen shot him five times, Jaime Orozco tells friends he’s itching to get out of his hospital bed and back to his true passion – newspapers.

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Joel Simon on Journalists Killed and Jailed in the Line of Duty

Paul McLeary From CJR Daily The Water Cooler Feb. 24, 2006 Earlier this month, the Committee to Protect Journalists released its “Attacks on the Press 2005” report, which documents the number of journalists killed in the line of duty last year along with violent attacks on the press and journalists who have been imprisoned because…

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2005 brought more danger, less freedom to journalism

Paul Steiger St. Petersburg Times February 20, 2006 For 24 years, the Committee to Protect Journalists has remained steadfast in its mission to defend the press around the world. But in 2005, that mission meant paying unusual attention to what was happening at home. From Iraq to China, from Uzbekistan to Zimbabwe, 2005 was another…

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Freedom fighters in the Arab press

Clarence Page Chicago Tribune January 29, 2006 SAN`A, Yemen: A lot of people were alarmed to see that Palestinians gave the terrorist Hamas organization an upset victory last week over the reputedly corrupt Fatah in parliament elections. But, in this part of the world, any change of power through ballots instead of bullets is a…

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Journalists Killed in the Last Ten Years

The Toll: 1995-2004 Each year in January, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) publishes a list of journalists killed in the line of duty around the world. This list has become the most widely cited press freedom statistic and is often seen as a barometer of the state of global press freedom. While the correlation…

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JOURNALISM’S TERRIBLE TOLL: CPJ releases new statistics

389 journalists killed between 1992 and 2001, most murdered with impunity New York, June 4, 2002–The majority of journalists killed in the line of duty during the last decade were murdered because of their reporting, concludes a study released today by the Committee to Protect Journalists. This comprehensive analysis of journalists killed between 1992 and…

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