Samantha Libby

Samantha Libby, CPJ’s digital manager, has worked in freedom of expression and human rights in Ethiopia, Vietnam, Kalimantan, and West Papua. She has also investigated the domestic and international arms trade. She is a playwright, artist, and an award-winning writer.

CPJ condems closed court hearings for nine Ethiopian journalists

InDepthAfrica quoted CPJ’s East Africa Representative, Tom Rhodes, in its coverage of the sentencing of the zone 9 bloggers in Ethiopia. Read the full article here.

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AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition Meeting

Monday, July 14, 11-12:30. CPJ Advocacy Director Courtney C. Radsch, PhD, will speak about CPJ’s approach to advocacy and protection of journalists at a session on evaluating effective tactics for protecting colleagues at risk during the Science and Human Rights coalition meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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Peace for the Press: Violence against Journalists and Media Workers

Google Hangout. []. 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. ET. Catalina Botero, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; Carlos Lauria, senior program coordinator for the Americas of the Committee to Protect Journalists; Rachael Kay, manager of the International Exchange Network for Freedom of Expression (IFEX), and representatives of 7…

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Press freedom groups condemn Israel’s killing of media worker

After CPJ released an alert on the death of Hamid Sihab, a Palestinian media worker who died when an IDF airstrike hit his press car, the Huffington Post quoted CPJ’s coverage. Read the full article here.

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A Global View of Freedom of Expression

Washington D.C. Canon House Office Building, Capitol Hill (Room 121). 12 – 2pm. Lunch buffet at noon followed by a panel discussion. Courtney Radsch, CPJ’s Advocacy Director, will be speaking.

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World Trends Report on Freedom of Expression and Media Development

The United Nations, New York. Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. 3 – 4.30pm. World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development offers a new look at recent evolutions in media freedom, independence, pluralism and journalist safety. The overarching trend observed throughout is one of disruption brought on by technology and to a lesser extent the global…

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Egyptian president wishes journalists had been deported; Nigerian editor missing

In its round up of journalism news outside the U.S., Poynter cited CPJ’s alert on the disapearance of Nigerian editor, Thomas Thomas. Read the full article here.

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Thank you for supporting #FREEAJSTAFF

Al-Jazeera reviews what it calls the largest social media press freedom campaign ever: #FreeAJStaff. The article cites CPJ’s coverage of the trial. Read the full article here.

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Safety of journalists and the global Internet freedom campaign

Venice. European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization. Jean-Paul Marthoz, CPJ’s Europe representative, will be speaking.

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Hard Numbers

Columbia Journalism Review used CPJ’s research in its list of key numbers that measure press freedom around the world today. Read the full article here.

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