

Pakistani soldiers in Mingora. (AFP)

Value, ‘collateral damage’ as journalists embed

During the height of the Pakistani military’s assault on militants, hundreds of local journalists were forced to flee the Swat Valley and neighboring areas. Coverage of the fighting was left in large part to Pakistani reporters from outside the region who had embedded with the military. These journalists faced their own set of challenges.

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Fighting displaced hundreds of thousands, including these people at a makeshift camp in Swabi. (AFP)

As combat raged, local reporting was stifled

Yesterday, I reported on the plight of Behroz Khan and Rahman Bunairee, two Pakistani journalists whose homes were destroyed by militants. Many other journalists in the North West Frontier Province, or NWFP, faced grave dangers and were forced to flee, undermining independent reporting in the region. The same early July night that Khan and Bunairee’s homes…

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A Pakistani soldier amid the rubble of Mingora. (AFP)

In Pakistan conflict, grave risks for reporters

The September 30 Daily Times in Pakistan headlined a story “Peace being gradually restored in Swat,” although daily skirmishes continue between the military and militants. A few days earlier, a massive car bomb in the heart of Peshawar killed at least 10 people and left some 70 wounded, while an explosion destroyed a police station…

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Security forces harass Pakistani newspapers

The Urdu daily Asaap said Frontier Corps forces were posted outside its offices on August 1, 2009, questioning staff about connections with local insurgents, according to local news reports. The Frontier Corps is a local paramilitary unit stationed to quell a violent independence movement staged by Baloch nationalist groups in the province. 

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National Day censorship intensifies in China

New York, September 30, 2009—National Day celebrations on Thursday will be marred by extensive media restrictions in China, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The public holiday marks the founding of the People’s Republic of China by the Chinese Communist Party in 1949

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Chinese police assault Japanese news agency journalists

Chinese authorities assaulted three journalists from the Japanese Kyodo News agency in a Beijing hotel room on September 18, 2009, according to international news reports. 

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Vietnam’s Triet urged to fulfill promises on reform

Dear Mr. President: It has been nearly three years since Vietnam was accepted into the World Trade Organization and your government announced its intention to play a more prominent role in international organizations and multilateral forums. Your participation in this week’s United Nations General Assembly and your country’s scheduled assumption next year of the chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are testament to Vietnam’s more engaged approach to international relations.

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Supreme Court moves trial in Philippine attack

New York, September 23, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists applauds a Philippine Supreme Court decision to grant a change of venue in the trial of a defendant in the attempted murder of radio journalist Nilo Labares, who was shot and injured in Cagayan de Oro City in March. The transfer is the third venue change…

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CBS reporter injured in IED attack in Afghanistan

An improvised explosive device hit a Unites States Army vehicle in Logar Province in Afghanistan on August 28, 2009, killing one U.S. soldier and injuring CBS Radio news correspondent Cami McCormick, CBS reported on its Web site.

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CPJ to honor five international journalists

New York, September 23, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists will honor courageous journalists from Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, and Azerbaijan with its 2009 International Press Freedom Awards at a ceremony in November. Mustafa Haji Abdinur of Somalia, Naziha Réjiba of Tunisia, Eynulla Fatullayev of Azerbaijan, and J.S. Tissainayagam of Sri Lanka have faced imprisonment, threats…

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