Colombia / Americas


Journalists killed in 2007

Journalist Deaths Hit Decade Peak Half in Iraq; record number in Somalia

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National Police Director links journalist to leftist guerrilla group

NOVEMBER 24, 2007 Posted December 11, 2007 William Parra, Telesur HARRASSED Gen. Oscar Naranjo, director of the National Police, issued a statement on November 24 asserting that Parra, Colombia correspondent for the Caracas-based regional TV network Telesur, had manipulated information about a police officer who is being held by the left-wing Revolutionary Armed Forces of…

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Journalist receives death threat

NOVEMBER 22, 2007 Posted January 18, 1008 Diro César González, La Tarde THREATENED González, director of the Barrancabermeja-based weekly newspaper La Tarde, received a letter mourning his death at his home in the northern province of Santander. In 2006, González had been forced to flee following repeated death threats linked to his reporting on local…

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COLOMBIA: Journalist threatened with death following reports on corruption

NOVEMBER 22, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 Feibir Beltrán Luna, Cauca Visón, Cauca Noticias THREATENED Beltrán, owner and director of local TV station Cauca Visión and the online daily Cauca Noticias, was threatened with death in the eastern city of Popayán, following reports by the station on local police corruption, the journalist told CPJ.

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After death threats, two Colombian journalists flee the country

New York, October 24, 2007—Colombian journalists Hollman Morris and Geovanny Álvarez Castro left the country last week following death threats linked to their reporting. The Committee to Protect Journalists called today on Colombian authorities to conduct a speedy investigation into the threats and to ensure that the two journalists are able to return to Colombia…

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After death threats, two Colombian journalists flee the country

New York, October 24, 2007—Colombian journalists Hollman Morris and Geovanny Álvarez Castro left the country last week following death threats linked to their reporting. The Committee to Protect Journalists called today on Colombian authorities to conduct a speedy investigation into the threats and to ensure that the two journalists are able to return to Colombia…

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Uribe urged to retract comments about reporters

New York, October 11, 2007 Mr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez President of the Republic of Colombia Casa de Nariño Bogotá D.C., Colombia Via facsimile: 011-571-337-5890 Dear Mr. President: We strongly object to your recent accusations against two prominent journalists. Your strident and personal comments have resulted in multiple death threats against these journalists and have forced…

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Colombian journalist forced to flee following Uribe’s accusations

New York, October 9, 2007—Colombian reporter Gonzalo Guillén has been forced to flee his home in Bogotá after receiving more than 20 death threats following comments made by President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the journalist said today. The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Uribe today to personally ensure that Colombian authorities conduct a prompt investigation…

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The Road to Justice – A CPJ Special Report

Marlene Garcia-Esperat is among dozens of reporters murdered in the Philippines. Unlike all the others, though, her case might actually be solved.

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In Colombia, Uribe’s accusations raise alarm

New York, October 3, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about comments made Tuesday by President Álvaro Uribe Vélez that could endanger Colombian journalist Gonzalo Guillén. Uribe called national Caracol Radio and RCN Radio to deny recent allegations that he had close to ties to the deceased drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. The accusations were…

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