

Rafael Correa is awarded an honorary doctorate by Santiago University in Chile on May 14, 2014. Four newspapers face fines for not covering the event sufficiently. (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)

Ecuador’s year-old media law stifles in-depth reporting

Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa generated little actual news during a two-day trip to Chile last month. So Ecuador’s four main newspapers did the obvious: They published short wire service dispatches about his visit.

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Iran, Syria, and Somalia top countries that journalists flee

CPJ releases annual report on journalists in exile to mark World Refugee Day New York, June 18, 2014–Over the past five years, the Committee to Protect Journalists has supported 404 journalists who have been forced to flee their home countries because of their work, according to a new CPJ report on exiled journalists. Journalists cite…

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Brazilian authorities must ensure safety of journalists covering World Cup protests

New York, June 12, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about reports that three journalists were injured covering protests against the World Cup in Sao Paulo today. CNN producer Barbara Arvanitidis sought treatment at a hospital for an arm injury and CNN correspondent Shasta Darlington and Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão cameraman Douglas Barbieri suffered…

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CPJ releases security guide in Portuguese ahead of Brazil World Cup

Protests and anti-press violence highlight need for journalist safety New York, June 9, 2014–As journalists gather in Brazil to cover the FIFA World Cup, one of the most watched sports events in the world, the Committee to Protect Journalists released the Portuguese version of its journalist security guide. The guide covers a wide variety of…

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G-7 acknowledges post-2015 agenda should include governance, human rights

New York, June 5, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the declaration today by leaders of the Group of Seven leading industrial nations that democratic governance and human rights should be integral to the post-2015 development agenda.  The United Nations is seeking agreement on a broad set of sustainable development objectives to replace the Millennium…

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Mexican columnist, abducted, found dead

Mexico City, June 5, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the murder of Mexican columnist and government spokesman Jorge Torres Palacios and calls on authorities to fully investigate the crime and bring those responsible to justice. Torres’ body was found in a bag in an orchard in Guerrero state on Monday, three days after he…

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US government should withdraw Risen subpoena

New York, June 2, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the United States Department of Justice to withdraw a subpoena seeking to force journalist James Risen to give testimony that would reveal a confidential source. The Supreme Court said today it would not consider Risen’s appeal of a lower court ruling that he must…

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In the wake of US pullout, Afghan journalists need protection

In the aftermath of this week’s foreign policy speech by President Barack Obama and discussions on the imminent pullout of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, we need to think once again of the implications this retreat will have for the thousands of Afghans who for more than a decade have worked not only with the military,…

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News from the Committee to Protect Journalists, May 2014

CPJ’s Brazil report spurs government meetings on press freedom CPJ board member María Teresa Ronderos and CPJ Senior Program Coordinator Carlos Lauría traveled to Brasilia this month to launch a new special report, “Halftime for the Brazilian press,” and met with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, as well as other high-level government officials. CPJ also presented…

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Trinidadian authorities should protect threatened journalist

New York, May 29, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Trinidadian authorities to ensure the safety of a local journalist who fled the country after learning of a plot against his life. 

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