


Imprisoned Cuban journalist is granted 24 hours at home

March 20 marked the sixth anniversary of the three-day 2003 crackdown on the independent Cuban press. That day, Oleivys García Echemendía was scheduled to visit her husband, imprisoned Cuban journalist Pablo Pacheco Ávila, at 1 p.m. at the Morón prison in the central province of Ciego de Ávila. 

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Going beyond national borders to combat impunity

Combating impunity has been a long and difficult process, full of obstacles and problems. At the national level it has not been easy, so much of our work is carried out using the supranational tools that we helped develop. They began taking shape through international intergovernmental declarations, in conclusions reached by international legislative and judicial…

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Getting Away With Murder 2009

CPJ’s Impunity Index spotlights countrieswhere journalists are slain and killers go free New York, March 23, 2009 — The already murderous conditions for the press in Sri Lanka and Pakistan deteriorated further in the past year, the Committee to Protect Journalists has found in its newly updated Impunity Index, a list of countries where journalists…

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Reports say North Korea has detained U.S. journalists

New York, March 19, 2009–Diplomats in China, North Korea, and the United States should cooperate to ensure the safe release of two journalists and a guide reportedly detained by North Korea while working near the country’s border with China, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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Czech leader supports CPJ effort to free Cubans

The Czech prime minister has expressed support for CPJ’s efforts to gain the release of imprisoned Cuban jouirnalists. We sent Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek, who is also president of the Council of the European Union, a copy of a March 17 letter to an EU envoy. In the letter, we asked envoy Louis Michel to seek the…

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A photo of police taking away Espinosa Chepe hangs in his home.

Black Spring of 2003: A former Cuban prisoner speaks

March 18, 19, and 20 will mark the sixth anniversary of the detention of 75 peaceful journalists and librarians, as well as human rights activists, convicted weeks later to up to 28 years in jail during summary trials. Fifty-four of these innocent people, who demanded a democratic society and respect for human rights, remain imprisoned…

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EU envoy urged to seek release of jailed Cubans

Dear Mr. Michel: Your planned trip to Havana this week coincides with the sixth anniversary of Cuba’s massive crackdown on independent journalists and dissidents. The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on you to urge Raúl Castro’s government to release the 21 journalists still jailed in Cuban prisons and extend the internationally guaranteed right of free expression to all Cubans.

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Independent Cuban journalist details four-day detention

Roberto de Jesús Guerra Pérez, a Havana-based independent journalist, sent an e-mail message this morning to his “brothers, colleagues, and organizations that protect and watch over press freedom around the world” announcing that he had been released from police custody after a four-day detention. In his e-mail, titled “Thanks to you and to your demands,…

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Independent journalist in Havana detained without charge

New York, March 4, 2009–An independent Cuban journalist arrested on Sunday should have the charges against him made public or he should be released immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. He was picked up on the eve of the sixth anniversary of the crackdown against Cuba’s independent press.

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Colombian intelligence service wiretapped journalists

New York, February 25, 2009–The illegal wiretapping of prominent Colombian journalists endangers their work and compromises their confidential sources, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

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