

Nigerian police arrest newspaper distributor in place of journalist in hiding

Abuja, August 19, 2022—Authorities in Nigeria should immediately drop any criminal libel investigation into journalist Ifreke Nseowo or TheMail Newspaper and pay damages to the newspaper distributor whom they illegally detained to compel Nseowo to appear for questioning, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On Friday, August 12, police officers in the southern Akwa Ibom State…

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VOA correspondent briefly detained covering attempted election protest in Angola

New York, August 17, 2022  — In response to news reports that Angola police detained Coque Mukuta, a correspondent for U.S. Congress-funded Voice of America, for three hours while he was on assignment in the capital Luanda on Wednesday to cover a protest against electoral irregularities ahead of the scheduled August 24 election, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the…

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Congolese journalist Dimanche Kamate arrested, detained over broadcast about Rwanda, protests

Kinshasa, August 17, 2022—Congolese authorities should stop intimidating journalists covering conflict in the country’s east and allow the press to freely cover events of public interest, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On Friday, August 12, officers with the national police arrested and detained for several hours Dimanche Kamate, editor in chief of the…

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Two Somaliland journalists arrested while covering protests

Nairobi, August 17, 2022 — Authorities in the breakaway region of Somaliland should unconditionally release journalists Ahmed-Zaki Ibrahim Mohamood and Abdinasir Abdi Nour and refrain from prosecuting the press for covering matters of public interest, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On Thursday, August 11, police arrested Horyaal 24 TV broadcast reporter Ahmed-Zaki and…

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Zimbabwe’s censorship board bans Danish documentary about opposition leader

Lusaka, August 16, 2022–Zimbabwean authorities must lift the ban on the documentary film “President” by Danish journalist Camilla Nielsson and not abuse censorship laws for political ends ahead of next year’s general election, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. The film, which follows opposition leader Nelson Chamisa on the 2018 presidential election campaign trail,…

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South Sudan journalist Diing Magot released on bail, charged

New York, August 15, 2022–South Sudanese authorities should immediately drop all legal proceedings against journalist Diing Magot and allow her to work without fear of arrest or intimidation, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday.  On Monday, South Sudanese authorities released Magot, a freelance reporter, on bail after she spent eight days in detention, according to news reports, Patrick Oyet,…

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Two journalists in Mozambique attacked by police while covering officer’s funeral

New York, August 15, 2022—Mozambican authorities must investigate and hold to account police officers who assaulted two broadcast reporters and ensure that journalists are able to report freely and without fear, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday.  On August 4, reporters for privately owned broadcaster Tua Televisão, Alexandre Eusébio and Ivaldo Novela, were assaulted…

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Maada Jessie Jengo

Sierra Leone soldiers beat broadcast journalist Maada Jessie Jengo

On July 2, 2022, four Sierra Leone soldiers slapped, punched, and kicked broadcast journalist Maada Jessie Jengo on various parts of his body, and also slashed his face with a sharp object, according to news reports and Jengo, who spoke by phone to CPJ. The attack on Jengo, senior producer and presenter with the privately…

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DRC journalists Daniel Aloterembi and Fify Kibwana attacked outside Kinshasa court

Kinshasa, August 9, 2022—Congolese authorities should thoroughly investigate the recent attacks on journalists Daniel Aloterembi and Fify Kibwana and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On July 28, a group of police officers at a court in Kinshasa, the capital, attacked and seized two phones belonging to Aloterembi, a…

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South Sudan journalist Diing Magot arrested while covering protest for Voice of America

New York, August 9, 2022 — South Sudanese authorities should immediately release journalist Diing Magot and ensure reporters covering protests and other events of public interest can work freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Sunday, August 7, South Sudanese authorities arrested Magot, a freelance reporter on assignment for the U.S. Congress-funded broadcaster…

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