

Deadly year for journalists as killings rose sharply in 2022

By Jennifer Dunham/CPJ Deputy Editorial Director Published January 24, 2023 Key Takeaways | Methodology | 2022 Killed Data | Interactive Map | Video The year 2022 was deadly for members of the press. At least 67 journalists and media workers were killed during the year–the highest number since 2018 and an almost 50% increase from…

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Police bar Zimbabwean journalists from covering opposition activists at court

Lusaka, January 23, 2023—Zimbabwean authorities should immediately investigate the recent barring of journalists from covering a court appearance of an opposition politician and ensure that members of the press are not blocked from doing their jobs, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. Around noon on January 16, in Budiriro, southwest of the capital city…

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Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo found dead following abduction

New York, January 23, 2023 – In response to news reports that Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo was found dead on Sunday, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for those responsible to be brought to justice: “Cameroonian authorities must conduct a swift and thorough investigation into the shocking abduction and killing of…

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Burundian journalist Floriane Irangabiye sentenced to 10 years in prison

Nairobi, January 20, 2023 – Burundian authorities must not contest the appeal of journalist Floriane Irangabiye and ensure that members of the press are not imprisoned for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On January 2, the Mukaza High Court in Bujumbura, the capital, convicted Irangabiye of undermining the integrity of the…

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Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo abducted by unidentified men

Dakar, January 19, 2023 – In response to news reports that unidentified individuals kidnapped Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo Tuesday, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for a fast and thorough investigation into his whereabouts: “The recent abduction of Cameroonian journalist Martinez Zogo is deeply concerning, and authorities must do everything in…

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Zambian journalist Evans Liyali assaulted by soccer players, team employees

Lusaka, January 18, 2023 — Zambian authorities should thoroughly investigate the recent assault of journalist Evans Liyali and ensure that members of the press can work safely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On January 14, members of the Green Eagles Football Club attacked Liyali, a sports reporter for the privately owned broadcaster Byta…

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Radio Tokomi Wapi

DRC broadcaster Radio Tokomi Wapi suspended, police shutter station

On January 9, 2023, Congolese authorities ordered the suspension of the broadcaster Radio Tokomi Wapi, according to news reports, a copy of that order, which CPJ reviewed, and people familiar with the case who spoke to CPJ via messaging app. Pascal Ernest Mulumba Kalende, the minister of communication and media for Lomami province, ordered Radio…

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Authorities in Tigray release 3 journalists, 2 others remain in detention

Nairobi, January 17, 2023—In response to news reports that authorities in the northern Ethiopian state of Tigray recently released three employees of the broadcaster Tigrai TV but continue to hold two more in custody, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement calling for the remaining staffers’ release: “While it is a great relief…

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Four years since murder of Ahmed Hussein-Suale Divela, Ghana’s journalists still attacked with impunity

The January 16, 2019, murder of Ghanaian journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale Divela, who was gunned down by unidentified men months after threats by a local politician, sent shockwaves through the country’s press corps and yielded promises from leaders to find the killers and bring them to justice. But four years later – despite police assurances of progress and two arrests – nobody has been…

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Kennedy Sikazwe

Supporters of Zambia’s ruling party raid 2 radio stations for hosting opposition party leader

On December 31, 2022, and January 1, 2023, supporters of Zambia’s ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) raided two radio stations and disrupted broadcasts by Chilufya Tayali, president of the opposition Economic and Equity Party, according to news reports and journalists who spoke to CPJ. On December 31, a group of about 10 people…

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