Win Maw

2 results arranged by date

Burmese online journalist Nay Phone Latt is one of nine journalists released in a mass amnesty today. The journalist, 28, had been sentenced to 20 and a half years in prison. (AFP/Soe Than Win)

In mass amnesty, nine journalists released in Burma

Bangkok, January 13, 2012–The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release of nine journalists who were freed as part of a mass release of at least 600 political prisoners in Burma on Friday, but calls on President Thein Sein to release reporters still being held in detention and to implement press reforms that would end…

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Burmese taxi drivers read a newspaper featuring a picture of newly sworn-in president Thein Sein. (AFP/Soe Than Win)

Press freedom requires action, not talk, in Burma

Burma’s newly installed democratic government has sent tentative signals that it intends to allow for more media openness as the country transitions from military to civilian rule. The continued detention of more than 2,100 political prisoners, including as many as 25 journalists, however, belies President Thein Sein’s recent press-promoting pronouncements.

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